
Not surprised considering we haven’t had a stellar single player game since.

I never counted myself as a star wars fan, but it saddens me to see a historic piece of pop culture being ruined by people who just want to use it for political and ideological motives. So I’m a little pissed even as a non fan.

Sleep apnea can killing you?? What the hell.
I think the main cause people die in their sleep is cardiac arrest. Happened in my family and it really sucks to wake up to that kind of news.

I think you’re ruining it with this crude warning showing up first in the comments.

Is that what they call those now?

Is that what they call those now?

That ship has sailed and sunk already.

Impressed by that headlights restoration.

1. That is already the case. the IP holders pay companies that provide that service.

I gave up trying to browse kotaku on mobile. Only my 32gigs of ram workstation can handle this junk.

It took the whole season for “destiny” or whatever the fuck it is that was supposed to drive the story to finaly put the two main characters in the same scene.

They started with video games, no one stood up.

By lucas film you mean Kathleen Kennedy and her lackeys who have no business running the franchise.

It fixed every mistake that was made in the previous misguided movie. Deal with it.

I just watched it. I ignored all the bad reviews and I was right.

I was going by the main point this article is trying to make. Now that I’m actually watching it, there’s actually plenty of monster hunting and I don’t see much politics.

Honestly, the witcher’s success has more to do with the skill and game design choices CDPR made than the actual IP. I would have liked them to work on something different again after Cyberpunk instead of going back to the witcher.

Of course not. I also read the last paragraph.

How’s the waiting list for this in the US? In europe it’s pretty much unicorn status.

That was indeed pretty gross.

There’s a probably a few Netflix execs or production partners to blame for this since they wanted their own version of GOT. They just had to leach on a pre-existing fanbase to reduce risk.