
Stable genius.

Holy shit, then why would anyone preorder? it’s not like the servers are gonna run out of files to download on release day.

That waifu still looks hot, I don’t think anyone’s gonna ask for a refund.

Oh I know that Burger King... It’s also pretty convenient since all the employees are central asian immigrants who can speak English.

That’s the plan, gonna get a PS5 as soon as it’s out and since it plays PS4 games it will allow me to catch up on the PS exclusive for cheap.

Meh. Looks terrible.

The real story is probably dumber.

Who doesn’t remember Street Fighter 2's font?

You’re trying to be snarky but you’re not too far off. I don’t need an ipod or a zune when I have a phone that can play music on top of doing a gazillion other things.

Xbox one’s utterly stupid launch mistakes were some of the reasons why I skipped this whole generation of consoles. Most games worth my time are available on PC anyway which is a better and more convenient platform.

I notice you, Sega Master System in the corner.

I can respect a man with such exquisite retro gaming gear.

Look at all the mind wiped fanboy idiots making excuses...

They’re using an ericsson phone from 2003.

And what rule is that? I tried selecting them but it doesn’t work.

The autoplaying videos are the cancers of the kinja blogs.

And yet they don’t boycott, they don’t constantly whine about it which is my whole point.

People in asia should just get the fuck over it and the japanese government should apologize instead of being such hard headed idiots.

You’re a fucking moron, Mack.