
I wouldn’t say that, every now and then when there is such a colossal fuck up, moderates show up and so do liberals and even former safe seats get taken in a wave. 2018 just may be one of those years.

They can certainly argue that he is Mentally unfit.

Well, to be fair, if he loses the House and Democrats hold onto the Senate, it will be Democrats getting rid of him.

The irony here is Russia hacked the DNC and Podesta fully expecting some machiavellan evil. They were probably disappointed at how blah and predictable everything in those hacks were. But our media ran with it and turned it into some conspiracy.

I take the “He knows he’s doing the wrong thing . . .” as a hearken back to the whole issue of his falling out with his alleged “male lover.” It’s entirely possible his family and friends are not on board with the whole Olivia Munn thing because it’s not the true him they know. Anywho . . . speculate away.

Preach. The thirst is real.

You forget he also served as a United States Senator for 4 years. He didn’t come from Illinois State Senator to President.

Just accept your likes my secret agent brother.