
It probably shouldn't bother me, but I really think this guy is the wrong reviewer for the show. I feel like he misunderstands what it is on a subtle but fundamental level.


If anything it helps with retaining talent.

People forget, but Debussy's Clare de Lune wasn't published until 1905. Given the fictional in-universe setting's period of vaguely late-1800s american west, Clare de Lune also (barely) counts as an anachronistic song.

British chocolate is better than American chocolate! Hershey's tastes like chalky vomit.

I thought the bees could track the GPS on their phones potentially. So they would know generally where the person was, and then use facial recognition to actually target and kill them.

“So overwhelmingly powerful that I spent most of yesterday afternoon’s world premiere screening either holding back tears or releasing them. B-”

I'm scrolling through the comments and I don't see that anyone has posted this yet.

Sadly, you don't need to be very old to have alzheimers or other memory loss, which would mean that visiting 2002 would be positive treatment :(

I semi-agree, but it depends upon your view of consciousness.

Nah. It's like when you play the same video game over and over and get really good at it. At the start you play along, but by the end you are pushing the limits and any pretense of you playing along with the plot goes out the window.

once the full season is out, a fan edit could replicate this fairly decently :)

I've said this before, but in the world of Westworld there's an /r/westworld subreddit where power players post threads complaining about lack of decent end-game content.

I agree, but the fragment wasn't necessarily metal. There are plenty of lightweigh high-tech materials it could have been that aren't the same as metal bullets being propelled around.

amazing analogy. every guest uses the same mocap actor :P

1) that's not what happened. Saito Gemu was a video game development studio that happened to be housed in a mansion. It wasn't a "reclusive millionaire", it was just a games studio doing a playtest that happened to be in the middle of nowhere. This happens often, and some studios are located in odd places.

You can get shot, but the impact of the bullets hurts like a bitch.

You don't have to wonder: there is a canonical extensive waiver the guests have to sign, basically giving up all their rights and accepting responsibility for whatever happens to them, or whatever they do.

To be fair, in this specific instance the narrative gave her multiple opportunities to quit. The first when they got ambushed by the tree, and the second when they got ambushed at night. She could have ran back to town, got help, and completed the "narrative" for that day.

She was a guest. Clementine said something like "You're new aren't you? I'll give you a discount". That and her general attitude (scared and new and excited) show she was a guest.