
Thanks for sharing, I probably won't pick it up but that's only because I don't eat that many burgers lol. The recipes sound good though! :)

Well damn, I can definitely appreciate that. I honestly can't think of 1 sex scene involving an asian actor (in western media) off the top of my head. Maybe really attractive asian women (with white men)… like lucy liu.

Nope. You said it would be cancelled, it wasn't cancelled. You were 100% wrong :)

Hey Piper312: Just wanted to stop in 4 months later to let you know the show has been renewed for a 2nd season :)

It's not quite the same, but I went to Secret Cinema does Star Wars in London and it was mesmerising. They build a version of Tatooine in a warehouse with tight desert buildings and sand everywhere, and you got to walk around basically in a live roleplay setting and interact with actors.

An interesting read, but I actually prefer the idea that this isn't a relationship between brother and brother, but rather between Designer and Power Player. I love the idea that MIB is just a dude who is REALLY into Westworld as a game. Seems trivial, but I think it makes it more compelling.

The guests don't have real guns, because those guns don't work on other guests. They must use some sort of technology where the bullet impacts only destroy hosts, not guests :)

Just wait for the VR shareware. Someone will make a physical murder simulator for sure :|

Oh shit. Maybe his new storyline involves the hosts becoming deadly? That would be the ultimate narrative - permadeath (real life death) as a consequence of failure.

I would imagine they eat because they definitely drink. They must have some sort of rudimentary stomach system. I wouldn't be surprised if they have some form of urination / defectation procedures too, to keep the realism (and for the entertainment of guests of a very particular sort :| )

Satan: I was thinking it could be a little brother you know, someone who died early on in his life. I've seen that trope done quite well before :)

Dude I feel you so much. I think Season 1 was the best, but I honestly feel pretty much every other season has degraded into self-congratulation, characters are at best caricatures, and at worst mostly blank slates with a slight aftertaste of personality. The plots often don't make sense and I think the core community

Better version: "Wait, we're not yet doing that?"

Funnily enough, Gone Girl subverts your criticism by having the twist (and psychotic monologue) be at the midway point. It's one of the things I really loved about it.

If you can come up with a list of 10 amazing sex scenes involving 2 black actors that truly celebrate the act of having sex (and by extension the bodies of those involved) without serious research, I will certainly change my mind. It would take me 10 mins and zero research to think of 10 hot white / white scenes of

I disagree somewhat. Whilst Luke's abilities were "handed" to him for sure, it's shown later in the series that he was already an extremely adept fighter.

Wait, is the Bob's Burgers book actually good?

Oh my god, that's hilarious.

Are you actually? That's genuinely pretty cool if true! :D

I doubt it because why would Ned have to keep that a secret? R and L were openly together weren't they? Why would she have to lie and hide it if the father wasn't someone she didn't want people finding out. Also, in the subtitles, it said "R can't find out, he'd kill the baby" or something similar.