
An actual exchange that took place during our weekly viewing:

It reports actual "celebrity news / gossip" in a satirical style. It's like if The Onion did straight TMZ-style reporting with the same Onion copywriters.

You joke, but that's a role I wouldn't mind seeing gender-flipped.

Let's be honest, I very lightly skimmed it. So much scrolling! :P

'Fuck' is like a one night stand, a brief connection mostly sexual in nature. Marry is a commitment to spend your life romantically engaged with a person, which includes sex yet but not on the same level. It's a deeper connection.

@GuybrushThreepwoodMightyPirate:disqus @woodsword:disqus You guys need to stop this. Arguing on the internet achieves nothing. Neither of you have moved from your positions and to outsiders, you look A) crazy B) lame and C) I don't have a third thing but lists are always better in 3's.

Yeah haha, it's like… I'm like "damn I wish I knew which of the male comedians I like are weirdo creeps so I know how to feel" when in reality it should be like "I wish there was nothing to know and people didn't do weird shit to other people who feel helpless to stop it"

No chance. The Dany / Jon partnership is too thematically strong. Jon is the man who rose from flames, Dany is the woman reborn in flame. Ye cannae fight thematic fates.

Euron will get eaten in episode 10. There is no chance he won't be burnt to a crisp by dragons. And then Dany will team up with the cool Greyjoy kids and that'll set the stage for her to sail on Westeros.

You've convinced me. Stoneheart could present a really interesting, complex antagonist.

I imagine it's a horrendously expensive show to produce though. That animation, that voice cast… god damn. Hopefully the return is worth the effort.

Haha, I'm British but I assume you mean Ellen Degenerates? It's like an insult a 90s religious conservative would come up with

Yeah I made it up. I've done a lot of writing in my career and consider myself pretty good at being able to capture other people's character's voices with a good amount of consistency. I've never actually worked on a real TV episode though, so who knows how badly I'd fuck it up over the course of 22 minutes :P

You are almost correct - I've watched the show through 3 times.

This is like a classic 30 Rock joke, I love it.

you fucker, I clicked that link expecting an excellent YouTube parody video OR a very funny Tumblr or Twitter account. Gosh darn it, life iz sufferingk!

I'm not sure if you're joking, but if the cup is empty they already have to fake this.

You are wrong, but I think it's in the spirit of PKD to respect that :)

DC's cities always felt like this. Metropolis is off-brand NYC, and Gotham always felt "Chicago-ish", but neither city feels distinct enough to be a real living setting.

Her tear ducts were frozen solid by that chilly river she waddled through.