
Great point! Maybe it's only when you've given up everything, that the "Lord of Light" blesses you with a true act of impossible magic.

I actually think as far as "lazy hipster jokes" go, the ones on this show actually made me laugh out loud. And I consider myself who is completely over "hipster mockery".

Well at least in this show, it ties into a wider narrative of gentrification which is both important for the story, and important for the city of New York in real life. 30 Rock always did its dues to NYC (being set in NYC, written by a team working and living in NYC) so its nice to see Kimmy Schmidt give the same

Oh yeah, sorry for not being clear: in my head he just has similar implants, but not nearly to the scale (or look) of Vader's full original suit.

The fight scene doesn't bother me too much, but I thought of an easy way to fix it a few days back:

Wow, I thought he was only a few years older. That makes that beatdown (and Ren's tantrums) even more humiliating - he was wrecked by an untrained force user 10 years younger than him!

I'm sure a lot of them are really close, or at least actual friends, but also they're actors so… they're explicitly trained to act as likeable and friendly on press tours. It's contractually part of the job to be "best buds" with your costars on the road.

You joke, but… hmmm…

*winces internally*

Holy crap, mad respect for creating a brand account and posting this. I'm sure a lot of people hate this but I do this sort of work and its refreshing to see it go down well for a change :)

I came to the comments for the Kid Detectives hype. I guess I loved it more than everyone else, but I'm a relatively new listener. This episode had me in hysterics, literally cackling in the night trying not to wake up housemates.

Ahhh, that explains the weird feeling I had when he appeared on screen. Couldn't place him.

I thought he was a fictional character portrayed by a popular comedian?

Oh Nikki, oh Paulo, the island had so many secrets but yours was the most tragic.

He got to direct Star Wars so his strategy for name recognition and personal branding is working pretty well lol.

It's not even that problematic - I sub and unsub from Netflix depending on what content I want to watch. I can so the same with other networks. The fact that I can pay £8 to watch a season of quality television in HD legally still blows my mind.

To be fair, it's not really a "stretch" if they invent compelling material. It's not like they'll be sticking that closely to the books any more anyway, and as long as it doesn't feel like filler I'm cool with an extra season.

"As Sir Davos raises his sword, he strikes the corpse with all his might… and misses so hard Jon Snow actually springs back to life!"

That's a really cool idea. Do you have a specific method or do you do it manually?

I don't really know how else they could juggle that many characters though. I guess they could draw focus to only 1 or 2 characters per episode like Arrested Development S4 or the UK show Skins, but episodes focused on less popular characters would get reamed.