
Doctor Who is a progressive show because it puts people of colour in space and then kills them indiscriminately :P

Eh, they are coworkers, if I broke my glasses I would totally divide the tasks up so they get the reading tasks rather than squint at large text on a screen annoyingly.

I actually think Nardole's role is really important. Since the reboot of the new series, we've never had a companion desperately trying to keep the Doctor grounded and away from adventure. I find it refreshing and valuable (watching current season at the moment, reading reviews episode by episode).

Why are you using the internet right now? Media is the content which drives the majority of technology use.

"Even if Gloria is computer-averse herself, her son spends a lot of time on his phone, and she has an ex-husband. There'd be some trace of her online from others near her mentioning her."

That's what Noah Hawley wants you to think. Now would be the perfect time to usurp expectations!

How could Fargo have been a fluke? He created two radically different seasons, both masterpieces. I have friends who love one season and hate the other - that's how you know he has creative range.

It's a made-up drug just for the show. Lots of shows tend to do this, especially as adaptations of other more kid-friendly mediums.

I agree 100%. I actually haven't even bothered reading the reviews from episode 5 onwards, I just skip straight to the comments.

I'd say Arnold went pretty quick and painless :(

I read it more as that he didn't really want to unecessarily watch a woman he knew, and somewhat respected, get brutally murdered. He's a sociopath with grand god-like goals, he's a 'monster', but I think think he takes pleasure in watching a human woman die in front of him. It's grim.

agreed but the show is about Elizabeth now. I would have loved to see more WW2 stuff but I guess that's not the story they want to tell (it's pretty basic anyway, country goes to war, the monarchy do their best to help the effort through maintaining strength and dignity).

Agreed :)

Based off his Westworld reviews alone, I personally disagree :)

Agreed :)

Yeah for sure. On reflection, I think my main criticism is that they treat the show as a "mystery box" (their words) like LOST, but I don't really get that. Each episode they reveal tons of information about the world, the characters, and how things work. Yes, there are still questions the audience has and yes,

Here's my theory:

Better than having sex whilst watching a digital ham sandwich in a VR pod.

"Westworld is great but I share Zack's dread that it will not satisfactorily resolve all of the mysteries it is creating."