
Things are so weird and different now, I preferred how things were back when people thought I was cool. Now they think I'm lame so everything they like and do and say is lame to me.

This is such a minor thing, but Gus wasn't a copywriter. A copywriter is a writer who (usually) writes for the purpose of advertisement or marketing. He blew his chance at being a screenwriter or just a 'writer'. You could argue you are technically correct since all these terms are used loosely, but I know some

It's worse than that. It's like going to a bar where you know the bartender really well, and you know he absolutely loves getting you drunk.

1hr15 min episodes, 3 part miniseries. Netflix original or HBO or whatever, boom, done. This happens a lot in the UK - Sherlock, Black Mirror etc are all done this way and work really well.

Any show with good writers can. Just look at Community. I think it stems from having a writing team that take joy in skewing conventions and tweaking tropes just enough so they become weird and hilarious.

I can't remember the exact quote, but when Tracey's fake son pitches a startup that washes tiny clothes (or something) called Micro-Soft.

I thought he was hammy as hell in Wolf of Wall Street. I just kept thinking of Django when I watched it. I prefer it when he chews less scenery (literally in many parts of Wall Street, thanks drugs!)

Meh, people think he's amazing - they'll vote for him because they genuinely like him and think he's a great actor.

Yeah the novels were almost completely Jack's POV if I recall correctly.

omg imagine if DiCaprio lost his best chance at an Oscar to an actual child? I kinda wish this happened now.

People who say that haven't consumed enough drugs. That's the real "genius off-switch".

Stewart Lee has a bit like that.

That's actually a fair point in response to my sarcastic rhetorical question. Like the 'colour' black, F is simply the absence of a grade.

but what does F signify? Fun and Friendly?

Michelle Piper is an up-and-coming mechanical engineering graduate who likes to 'go where the flow takes her'. Jonathan Sparks is Chicago's head of electrical distribution, a grizzled veteran whose light is fading. When an unsolved murder forces this unlikely pair together, they'll find out that sometimes Water and

Where? All I recall is it being billed as "one story told week by week".

I like that though. They're coming at it from a totally different angle and asking the questions few else are asking, like what was it -actually- like to be locked in a cage for years.

Dude, you should read the comments on the Facebook post sharing this article. People are flipping their shit saying that this season is "boring", "not as interesting as S1", "maybe they should use this time to make the case more interesting" etc. Like, a lot of people.

Punished "Crystal Gem" Peridot

People "care" about it because they're raised in a society that's built on decades of enforced practice of it. To them it's "normal", bred into them from childhood and then preserved through almost everything they learn and experience after that.