
In the UK version half the named gems have been gender-flipped to male, and have names like Tungsten or Mercury.


The thing I liked was that I actually think the boss character is right. Think about how much value each role has to a corporate criminal empire - as a unit leader on the streets, Milligan is a valuable enforcer but its a very high risk position and outside of projects like the Gerhardt territories expansion, how much

From the first episode, Fargo was a show that earned my trust. It then cemented that trust by never betraying it.

I'm completely with you. If Season 1 evoked No Country For Old Men I'd really like S3 to evoke Burn After Reading. I know it's not everyone's favourite Coen Brothers film but I think the government-inspired chaos would be perfect for a series of Fargo.

I loved it for that, but also for another reason.

Technically, being perpendicular is actually as far away from something as you can go in this situation. If we are equating "similarity of family characters & structure" to "closeness-of-lines-being-parallel" on a 2D plane, with 2 lines one representing the Gerhardts (Line G) and the other the Crowes (Line C), then

I binged the first, and in-between S2 episodes I've been watching S1 again on Netflix. It actually works really well.

The 30 second short was funny, and it helps support the creation of content that you enjoy. You think Adult Swim are making millions from Rick and Morty? It's an expensive show to produce and outside of the internet not that many people have heard of it.

I was thinking about this the other day, and I'd love a season inspired by Burn After Reading. The scene with the closet definitely feels like it could fit in a Fargo narrative, and it'd be great to see them explore how government and crime intertwine.

I don't think it's that "silly". Have you never had an argument with someone you care about, which ended with one of you either leaving or locking yourself in a different room? It happens all the time between parents and children, partners, housemates etc. Blocking is the digital, legally-backed version of leaving the

Are you from the UK? Maybe you need to be from the UK, because it really fucking resonated with me. The way we as a culture criminalize and spit and jeer… god, I can imagine it happening. The twist got me too which is rare.

Nice catch.

Fuck that would have been amazing.

I actually can't stand Moffat. He is the sloppiest of hacks. You need to eat him out of a bowl he's that bad.

London is fairly dead at 4am, but that doesn't explain why Maibh's mum had to go get her. I'm pretty sure she was dressed for work too.

100% this. Disney's most successful shows are about teenagers played by adults. Once a child is old enough to care about character identification, they're old enough to want to feel like they identify with teenage / adult characters.

He means the less campy Russel T Davies episodes.

Actually… yeah, that makes no sense. They could have made it a localised event, i.e. "a meteor is going to hit London, but the forest of London will save us!" and there could have been a whole awesome subplot about who the government is choosing to evacuate that was also a commentary on how the government treats

No, it just means that when the in-laws are coming over and you desperately need something to put all of your 'intelligent' photobooks and copies of the New Yorker on, a table will spring up through the rug overnight, then vanish the next morning into the cheapest BBC production effect available.