
Anybody who enjoys Kirby’s scripting... isn’t someone I necessarily someone with whom I share the same taste.

Felt the same as a kid. It’s why I couldn’t stand Azkaban.

You’re the only comment that counts.

I thought he was being ironic but just googled it and he’s right.

Jeez, if mid 2000s us could read that last sentence.

Just you, dude

One of my favorites. Definitely not for everyone, though.

This made me lol and my boss saw me giggling at my phone instead of working. THANKS a lot!

I didn't realize it was an Emmy until he grabbed it :(

Left of the Dial is my favorite album. Period. I discovered it while listening to Freak Scene off of it on my Pavement Pandora station (inspired by Sloshy's then recent introduction in Homestar Runner…). So many amazing songs and artists I know from that comp.

So jealous. Good time for Nordic garage rock

Anyone read the article? That last line… he got us XD

Oh what? Great minds!

What? Every school birthday party ever? Any time anyone's ever brought donuts into an office? Any time I'm depressed and just want to eat a donut?

Ugh… forgot about the Harry Potter references at the end of the series

Too soon



Ballsy statement

The King coming off opioids one with the shit weasels?