Read every King work on high school 1974-2004. The Shining and Pet Semmetary were the only ones that really spooked me. PS is really a bawler. Don't think I'd want to read it if I had kids.
Read every King work on high school 1974-2004. The Shining and Pet Semmetary were the only ones that really spooked me. PS is really a bawler. Don't think I'd want to read it if I had kids.
Thanks for not naming names XD. She does go for the gross out humor pretty often, I'd say. There are some people on the Earwolf subreddit who'd definitely agree with you. I'm in the majority, tho, i guess. Pretty big fan of most of her characters. Just not Big Sue. She can retire big sue.
Idk man… he got me so excited to see Baby Driver, the house, the big sick, and this. It's almost like he has nothing but nice things to say about the projects his friends are shilling in his show.
Hope so too! Felt very lucky to see her live at Vulturefest last May (see header image)
Would you like me to ask you what they are?
Watched the show since the first season showed up on Netflix 2013ish. But I really only got into the podcast last summer! I listened to the 2011 best of on a long car ride and was hooked. I listened through all of the best ofs and then started seeking out certain characters (usually Wompler).
I haven't been loving the past few months of With Soecual Guest but anytime any of the Wild Horses are on, it's gold.
Eh.. the psych ward scene is kind of iffy
You're mostly right but it's a losing aguement
Muffin justice warrior?
Just saw that hard times article
First off, thanks to Jesse for the reviews! As we all know, bad media can be just as much fun to read about as good, and fwiw, I read every word he wrote about this shitty show. I definitely agree, that for such a poorly written show, it's weirdly watchable. I normally lose interest in new shows far too quickly and…
I definitely feel ya. I was iffy about the whole premise, frankly, based on entirely on his looks. Later I ended up learning who Rust was based on his podcast work and really digging him. I was kicking myself for passing up on the show for pretty shitty reasons, and gave it a try. The threesome scene was just too…
Wait is Paul Rust supposed to be the Casanova on Love? I
Story of my life
IRL that's the first thing you check for. Not sure if it was supposed to be implied or not
Maybe these rich yuppie types want to make a cute baby or at least adopt a cute baby… and not go adopt a little kid born addicted to opioids/cocaine/who's developmentally delayed… :(
Ooooo, I heard "the one." This makes much more sense.
Rob's here, everyone!