My packs of almonds have to say “contains almonds”.
My packs of almonds have to say “contains almonds”.
Man, I hate it when it sands in the winter, and I have to wait for the roads to be cleared before I can drive. I hate shovelling sand in the driveway, too. THough I love making sandmen, and having sandball fights...
She proceeds to explain to him that only a hamburger contains meat, and that a cheeseburger is vegetarian. She says she knows this because she has been to McDonald’s in London literally *hundreds* of times in the last few years, and that a cheeseburger is always vegetarian when she orders one!
“A telephone pole with a Camaro wrapped around it may as well be the state tree of North Carolina”
It’s fair to say that no one races the TT at gunpoint, but it’s a further step to say that you aren’t complicit if you watch a dangerous or immoral entertainment. The fact that you can get someone to race a car, or jump over a pit of sharks, or fuck on camera, or humiliate themselves in reality television for…
Did this in the past with sticky notes on a car at university. Was great. It rained and the scrobbles on the notes other people left transfered themselves to the car inquestion. White BMW eating up 4 spots in a capactiy lot. you gotta get fucked with.
Normal people would take it at this point to not do it again, but…
Wait, wait, wait......So your retarded enough to claim that someone who lives in South Korea should learn English....He should fucking learn the language of a country where he doesn’t live...Are you retarded? Did you used to eat the paint chips that fell off the wall when you were a kid?
“Just learn the damn language.”
You’re right, I touched that in my other comment. Japan is the only country that could pull that off simple because they have Sony and Nintendo on their islands.
Going to as a legitimate source of information in regards to men makes as much sense as going to for feminist thought.
January 31st 1997 for Japan
I mean, what we really should do is just shut up and accept things. And understand that the only opinions that are welcome, are those of praise.
Okay, so I am in a bad mood, granted, but this is so far out of my ken as an ordinary citizen that I am not feeling it. I understand that women actors in Hollywood are up in arms over smaller paychecks than their male counterparts are granted and well they should be, but how does this impact us as a whole? So Jennifer…
Sorry, but “Toss the dough, ladle on the sauce, throw on the cheese and then shove...” is a declarative statement, and is, therefore, a perfectly acceptable sentence. The subject [You] is implied, and is not necessary for clarity or meaning. —Your friendly neighborhood Writing Center Tutor who thinks that common…
When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was…
Glass houses, internet commenter.
It's about the entire tone of the Final Fantasy games beginning to shift towards what it would eventually be in FF13.
Everything that was wrong with FFXIII had its origins in FFX.
For fans of his work, that's been fine! But his work has not been without criticism, particularly of late, as many feel that just as Final Fantasy itself has become somewhat stale, so too have his character designs become predictable and clichéd. Venture into any conversation online about Nomura's work in the past…