You must be Greek if you didn’t know that.
You must be Greek if you didn’t know that.
Well, now that you’ve cleared up, how about the billion other reasons this was a really stupid assumption on her part? And the arrogance that begs to be made fun of for such a stupid assumption in the first place?
The Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.
Wait, Solo hit first?
I know the story only as it’s mentioned here with no broader context, but is the Kanye quote not claiming that women judge men for sleeping with “sluts,” rather than implying male judgment? No adversariality implied — I have no loyalty to any of these people.
Thsi exact kind of article makes you actual non-nuanced, apolitical, valueless scum, though. You see that right? Not only the brand name, but your name and photo are on this. And the whole rationale that makes this okay in your minds is that the names and faces of the people you’re writing about are public. And now…
May she one day live in the wreckage of a blessed life as a result.
So, the point you want to make is that you’re used to Asian people and find their presence normal and completely unremarkable? So normal that you can immediately list all the ones who’ve been in your life, down to specific numbers? Congratulations, I guess?
2) Act like a mime:
On the Osaka loop line, I had the doors shut between me and my girlfriend. As in, I had just boarded the train, she was boarding right behind me, and the conductor managed to shut them just after I’d gotten on but before she could. We had a laugh and a good story out of it, but I really wonder what was going on dude’s…
You’re “just curious,” or you mean to say that you think the story is a lie? Because you could just say that if that’s what you mean. Otherwise I’m not sure what the “sorry,” is there for.
I visited Montana with a Korean-American girlfriend in 2003 — not 1903 — and about 95% of people we encountered in public places…
Because the insane program by which police departments get surplus military hardware from the Pentagon literally contains the insane requirement that this equipment must be used within a certain amount of time. Look it up. It sounded crazy to me too.
First, Imma gonna pitch a bitch makes a great point. Second, the idea that a person’s death only affects themselves is an immature and unrealistic argument, and the clearest sign the person talking doesn’t understand death. You don’t evaporate and cease to physically exist when you die — you leave behind a corpse that…
Islands. ;)
Despite this playing into an established narrative about Japan, it is demonstrably untrue. There was a very entrenched and very competitive domestic cell phone industry here until Apple and Samsung came in and crushed it. Same goes with portable music players. Even after domestic makers starting producing competing…
EDIT: Double post. Kinja being weird. See my response to Greg the Mad, since it really applies to both of your comments.
See my comment to damnthisburnershitsux.
Speaking as a cyclist (although not in an American context at all, which is somewhat relevant) who will completely cop to doing this, let me say this:
This isn’t really accurate.