Yet they have an order backlog a year long, and Atherton housewives are doing dirty things to get a higher place on the waiting list.
Because Ferrari and Lamborghini have awesome fit and finish as well. Because people buy these cars for their fit and finish. Because that’s why the Japanese marquees dominate the $100k luxury range.
Thanks for the spot! I didn’t know it was on Sploid.
Without reading the article, sack this piece of shit already.
The ultra rich often grasp that if the poor and middle class have more money they will promptly give it to them.
It's not about them running. It's their criminal records at such a young age. The world lost nothing with their deaths.
That isn’t a spaceship though, that is an animation.
What if you WERE going to buy the car, but then realized you didn't like it and had negative opinions on it? Loophole?
It’s the thought that counts. Literally it wouldn’t matter if it cost $30K, typical Jalop lives through symbolic victories
It went full Lambo.
If acura can just peck off it’s competition, everyone will be tweeting about them. Their profits would soar!
We used to play this chicken game with the Russians back in the ‘80’s. We were careful to turn off radars and to aim weapons down to the deck to preclude any excuse for a “misunderstanding” and I thought both sides, at least the men on the ships if not the men back at headquarters, pretty-well understood the game. I…
Okay, let’s be honest here. Stadium Super Trucks is the real world equivalent of the Ridge Racer series. Jumps, drifitng, powerslides, noise, violence, and a questionable physics engine.
Politics aside that is some impressive building right there. Curious, excited almost, to see what it's like when it's finished.
China does not fuck about when it comes to building stuff. I'll give them that.