
Also proving that there is no god.

Yay AFC East vs. AFC South Super Bowl!

He looks old enough to release a statement supporting Otto Von Bismarck.

This looks to be Star-Wars-Prequel-Trilogy levels of bad. It’s a cartoon with a few live actors thrown in for kicks.

I’m not the biggest Warcraft fan (though I’m not a hater either), but this looks awful to me. A lot of the scenes look like green screen hell that, say, the Star Wars prequel trilogies suffer from. It also looks cheesy as hell, like a poor-man’s LotR (or perhaps something more on par with the Hobbit movies, except

Just saw this on my Facebook newsfeed.

When we put this photo in our work chat room, Kyle asked if the chipmunks were dead.

Will the Patriots lose a 3rd or 4th round pick because of this?

Colts fan here: I wouldn’t blame him a bit if he went to a team that, you know, cared about his health and well-being by putting a competent O-Line around him.

I now want a Town And 150.

I present to you, the Fiero-trike. I apologize for making your eyes bleed.

Hahahaahah because I’m going to wear her skin as a coat

I don’t know. Their rapport seems to me like that of two dudes who hang out in a large group of friends, and have lots of mutual friends in the group, but would never hang out one-on-one. There’s an undercurrent of hostility that, to me, is palpable.

Funny, I often feel this way when watching television and movies. It’s like people who write for the screen have fantasized up all these perfect back and forth conversations.....then they shoehorn them into absolutely retarded situations because they have no freaking clue how anything at all works in the real world