
I'm a fellow, depressed Cardinals fan, but if the guy who invented the .gif says it's pronounced jif, I change my ways and say jif.

This is Will Leitch, the founder of Deadspin and world’s most annoying Cardinals fan. We love Leitch, but we also

Clearly the wall thing doesn’t work. It needs to be a searchable online database, kind of like imdb. You could search people by name and find out who they are fapping to, you could also search fappees and see who is most fapped. Movie stars could use their fap stats to demand higher contracts

Barnwell and Mayes need to escape together and pack Lowe in with them.

I know we all like to laugh at BS, but he does seem to be a good boss to work for; especially if you are a Boston or LA sports fan.

I think so... I had to scroll back up to make sure this was posted today.

I demand that this be a regular series.

“But what I do have are a very hot set of takes, takes I have acquired over a very long career. Takes that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you apologize now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will threaten

Pics or GTFO

No one gives a shit.

I also see “because you were running”, but more than that, after a couple of tries, I can’t find a way to make “you’re not old enough to get that call” fit the ref’s mouth at all. There’s one point where the ref’s lips pucker enough that he could be saying “old”, but the movements after that don’t seem to fit “enough

My amateur lipreading skills make this a bigger scandal. To me it looks like he said “draft you if you were white” at which point Cam loses his mind. He was clearly talking about Draft Kings and indicating he wants Cam hurt to win his million dollars on the white QB he chose over Cam. This could destroy football!

Here is the Texas version of the same play

Big deal, Barry. It takes twice as many people to undress Eli.

One 24-year-old woman told me that her boyfriend broke up with her because ‘he told me that I wasn’t girlfriend material because I had been with 10 guys

This video got me started in wet shaving, and I'm a woman. I cut myself once on my first-ever shave—a tiny nick on the ankle—and again when I was foolishly trying to shave the little downy lady-moustache on my upper lip without a mirror. With just a little care and patience, I can shave everywhere (yup, lady bits