Correction: That's Chuck Pagano's dad gnawing on his cigar while watching someone gnaw on Brian Wilson's daughter's asshole.
Correction: That's Chuck Pagano's dad gnawing on his cigar while watching someone gnaw on Brian Wilson's daughter's asshole.
it's actually exactly the type of thing should be covering: the governor of its URL.
Is it possible that the big bosses featured in every Super Smash Bros. game—Master Hand, Crazy Hand, Tabuu, and Master Core—really represent different aspects of series creator Masahiro Sakurai?
The photographer's job was to take photos of Christie throughout the game. He was sent there by to do EXACTLY THAT.
And it is even more MIND-BLOWING when you thought about Sakurai´s illness in it´s right hand (I don´t recall the name of the illness). He said that his condition makes it hard to keep up with the kind of game development SMASH requires. And if it gets worse, he must say goodbye to making games. The pressure of develop…
I like these "Lore" videos as a nice thinkpiece on the stories behind games and their settings, but it's bothering me that I'm finding people taking every bit of the information in them as canon, and using the video as "proof".
You are making the assumption he isn't, asshole.
As a Brazillian, I'm deeply disappointed. Not with Nintendo. With our piece of crap government that's managing to drain our economy down the hole and, worse yet, with the freaking idiots that keep voting on the same party that's been running the country for 12 years.
No, even in theory it still sounds stupid.
Maybe don't call a fatal pile-up "one giant katamari"? Maybe? Somebody's dead.
yes. They should've ran out into the white out ice covered highway and just waved their arms. That wouldve been safe. There isn't much they could have done at that point.
So you don't want fuel to be delivered almost ever in Alaska? or much of the northern US during winter? You need a HAZMAD endorsement on your CDL to haul that as well as a Tanker endorsement, and you give the government your fingerprints. Those guys "typically" are some of the most cautious drivers out there. Yes not…
There is at Menards, where everything is on sale all the time always!
That's even more dangerous than 30,000lbs. of bananas.
No. Typically Firefighters don't act like cartoon characters in life and death situations.