Instead of giving cash prizes, give them trinkets they can then go to a separate location to “cash-in” for money.
Instead of giving cash prizes, give them trinkets they can then go to a separate location to “cash-in” for money.
yes, by that logic, all forms of competition and entertainment is boring to you as long as you don’t partake yourself.
Pokemon has a humongous playerbase nurtured by 20 years of history. ARMS is a completely new IP that’s not even a month old. Splitting the playerbase like that before they even build a returning audience could kill the scene altogether if it isn’t big enough from the onset.
The custom moves in smash felt like a nice add on while the customs arms in Arms feels necessary.
The re-rebooted Top Gear was my thing, and I am still hungry for more of Clarkson, Hammond, and May. We should feel privileged to live during a time when there are two high-quality, highly-entertaining, expensively and exquisitely produced car shows on TV. Regarding the Grand Tour issues, the great thing about Amazon…
When you look at the GT and realize it was doing the latter seasons of Top Gear US but being so much more awful and cringe it was just sad. When the funniest part of the season is a dildo getting chucked in Clarkson’s face there are problems.
Honestly, the best answer for your neighbor is this:
New Spark Plugs
New Spark Plug Wires
4 New Ignition Coils
1 New Starter
I was a Mazda tech from ‘07-’10, absolutely love the RX-8, but they were in the shop ALL. THE. TIME. I’m still gonna get one. I got the Speed6 I wanted, now daddy wants and RX-8.
I still want to get one as a project, is there something wrong with me?
inappropriate caulking process of the ball
The facts that the Democrats (and especially Hillary) are terrible at getting elected, and Team Trump dirty dancing with Ivan are not mutually exclusive.
You have a few more years to go. The Civic Type R was not introduced until 1997. If you don’t wan’t to wait until 2022, you can start importing Honda Integra Type Rs a little sooner as those were introduced with the 1995 model year in the Japanese market.
You would think but no, even if they are identical in every way outside of drive orientation, you still can’t bring a JDM car into the States until 25 years has passed (or shorter times under some circumstance). It’s the built in stupidity of the rule that benefits US auto makers and sales and has nothing to do with…
Needs moar 555 decals.
hell yeah, I’ll swerve to hit her, because I stand my damn ground
Why do people think that an old lady in a tube top is a law enforcement officer?