
My current setup stickers courtesy of my lovely wife.


Yeah, in the past few years NoA seems to have turned into the least productive branch. Europe's Club Nintendo still has plenty of physical rewards while it seems that North America is trying to phase them out. Hell, even though they also went all-digital for the Elite rewards Europe still got more games to choose

Europe often gets a bum deal when it comes to Nintendo gear. So it's cool seeing the company throw the region a bone with this gorgeous new 3DS handheld, one that's as beautiful as it is limited.

As a North American, I'm jealous of ALL New 3DS.

Leave it to Cleaver

The irony of Phyllis Schlafly is that her life is actually a great feminist example. She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire. It's enough to make you wonder if she's really trolling the right wing...like, when she

The Real House Knives of Lithuania?


I used to sell knives for Cutco.... That's it, I have nothing else relevant to say... I just figured I would never have another forum more appropriate than this to release that juicy nugget.

Knife Swap

Lithuania's We're A Small Country And We Don't Necessarily Have Somebody Talented In Every Category.

To be fair, he did hit what appears to be the broad side of a barn.

Lithuania's Got Negligible Talent

So You Think You Can Lance

Yeah... My thoughts pretty much mirror theirs...WTF?

"That's him! That's the real killer!"

Too late.

fingers crossed there will will BE no next transformers transformers movie

Best part of article: Filed to: THE HELL?