Mario 1 is the only game he can stand, I guess.
Mario 1 is the only game he can stand, I guess.
UPlay sucks too.
Found out you can use the code on the manual on steam.
I have SSFIV:AE on disk, will the upgrade work with the version I own?
Ryan Hart's gonna win EVO. Calling it.
Probably not. This game comes out after both the 3DS and WiiU versions.
I tend to only watch Derek's content too.
Went on sale while I was in the car. :(
The top of the slide is over the rainbow?...
10/10 Would titan.
I prefer the preorder bonus pic for 'shoppin'
Tara wore shades for her Team Cat press conference afterward.
This gif scares me so much.
So much better than the radio commercial where the guy pours a cup in traffic. IN HIS CAR.
Other sxclusives are Yogscast and the guy from Shenmue, I think
It was kind of repetitive, but it had Venom so I liked it.
When's Street Fightah?
404: Fahey not found?
Needs more Street Fighter. Third Strike is one of the best fighters ever.