
It's worth learning.

Qanba fightsticks $10 off code: NCR2014

Locke? Is your daughter's name Celes?

peabody titan for dlc

Grifball with Spartan Lasers and Railguns = win.

It's funny cuz that dude's a guy. How have I not learned of this ToV anime movie sooner?

Man, that needs to be in the Phantom Pain.

See, If any of us become multi-millionaires...

Who saws bacon???

That's how these things usually turn out...

*sees X* *Squeals*

Poor Zero...

See ya on the forums! (hopefully)

I'm a Beta Lord *Brag* *Brag* *Brag*

swagboi420skid is now banned, fortunately.

...Kifflom be praised?

Man...I love Funyuns.

But they DID re-release OoT!

You can cash a paycheck just about anywhere. That doesn't make this any less of a bad idea.

But it said that they played the game many times to find the fastest route, meaning that they got far more than 20 minutes out of the game.