SnowWhite meets BuffaloBill

There is no vaccine for what is wrong with those parents. That child would not be the first person in human history to love her abuser and want to protect them from the consequences of their abusive behaviors.

Trump’s power comes from that illusion of success PLUS the fact that he is an authentically racist, cruel, destructive conspiracy theorist just like his hard-core fans are. In order to succeed Trump, you will need to be both. The pandering opportunist Josh Hawleys of the world are simply not deranged enough. They’re

As the child of a father who died of COVID 3 weeks ago because of his own stupid decisions, I thank you for this comment. I am angry and hurt beyond words that not only am I mourning his sudden passing, but that it was his own choice to take risks that led to it. When I hear people say something like “I can’t feel

Exactly, half of politics is name recognition and Trump was very well known from tv, media, his fake shadow written book, his businesses (even though they were mostly flops), and for generally just being a brash loudmouth, plus, he has done a lot to project this image of being an amazing businessman, but he’s really

I love all these GOP “stars” who think they can just pick up where Trump left off. Trump’s support came from people who liked that he’s rich, famous and tells it like it is (in their minds, anyway). But sure, one of these jars of expired store brand mayonnaise like Tom Cotton will be able to replicate that. Sure, good

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? Unfortunately, there are people dying all over the nation that use their final breaths to contradict their caregivers. It CAN’T be the China Flu. That’s a Democrat Hoax! I must have lung cancer or some other real thing!

I feel sorry for his children, that’s about it. They didn’t choose this. 

The thing is, even if healthy people can get the virus and be asymptomatic....hey idiots, you’re STILL CONTAGIOUS. You’ve got the virus inside you and you’re acting as a dispersal mechanism. Does no one know the story of Typhoid Mary? And given the piss-poor level of testing in this country and the incubation period

It won’t.  They rationalize it as we all have to die someday.  Well, maybe not everyone is ready to meet their maker.  

Well you might think that this bunch of idiots might arrive at that conclusion but they would then pivot to fucking Trump and Guiliani surviving and dismiss the previous thought.

I cannot summon any sympathy, even a drop of sympathy, none. His focus re Covid was something like “The Economy (which means the stock market) needs to keep going so rich folks can make beaucoup bucks on the backs of The Poors, about whom I really don’t care, do u? Let them sicken and die off so that they’re not

He was 41, that should convince MAGAs, GOPs and anti-maskers that COVID can kill at any age group and not wearing masks is dangerous especially with the new variant that is in America now.

Money over people’s lives... sounds about right.

From the start, people emphasizing pre-existing conditions/being old as a co-factor from dying from covid has left a bad taste in my mouth. When someone dies of covid and officials announce they also had a pre-existing condition, it means the rest of the population that views themselves as virile and omnipotent can

She clearly works out hard and is incredibly athletic and fit. And at the same time, this pose is so contorted and weird that, to me, it’s not attractive. But as with everything else, YMMV.

It really speaks volumes on Michelle Obama, and the sacrifices that women make (and are expected to make), that she was such an outstanding First Lady. I am glad she gets to enjoy her life now without taking on that role, she’s definitely earned it.

Lately, every time I see a photo like the JLo album cover which celebrates a sexy body over some specific age (which is great, don’t get me wrong) I go out of my way to find a shot of some old Italian grandma in her kitchen, making pasta & laughing her ass off and not caring if her thighs are as firm as a Christmas

I am sorry for you loss, it’s a club no one wants to be in and so many of us are. 

Pro tip: please don’t ask women why they don’t have kids, why they didn’t have more, or if they want more children. I experienced pregnancy loss and only told my immediate family. Since we have a young son, everyone feels entitled to ask me these questions. Since my miscarriage, I fumble through a vague deflection and