SnowWhite meets BuffaloBill

So admitting that I am a complete nerd, I have watched streams of both Big Buff Man Actors (tm) playing D&D. Car Movie Actor’s was boring af. Big Joe’s was fun, interesting, and entertaining. So read into my nerd shame as you will.

When I was at a picnic with my parents as a child, I drank a can of minute maid lemonade that I left unattended for a LONG time. It was full of bees, I drank some, they felt really weird going down.

Another Springfield Jezzie... there are 10's of us!

Not Spencer’s dad :(

I hoard so much crap in my stash box in 76, what if I need those cloth scraps and clown outfit later?

You and me both! Fixing my smile is always #1 on my “if I won the lottery/became suddenly rice” fantasy list

Eeek burba durkle

The Ref is hands down the funniest movie ever. Dennis Leary is such a wang, but he is so good in that role. Kevin Spacey (ugh) telling his mother that he would buy her a big wooden cross to nail herself to is perfection. Also “I fucking hate her Lloyd” was quoted in our family often.

This is my first Thanksgiving without my mom, who passed in July. Her birthday was in October. It’s rough, I’m so sorry :(

I quit by using a vape and stepping down my nicotine 4 (!!!!) years ago. I spent probably a year total vaping, and it was honestly the best choice I have ever made. I LOOOOVED smoking, so if I can do it, I believe in you too! 

The first night I went home with my boyfriend of almost 3 years, we made out so hard that my lips were bruised for a week! Thank god for dark lipstick.

I’m so happy that I’m not the only one who thought that!

I hate the misogyny that comes with playing games, not from the men, but from the women. When I started dating my current SO his “best friend” made it clear that she didn’t like me, by doing dumb shit like sending him texts while we were all in the same room and trying to make little in-jokes, so he stopped inviting

I read The Hike, where’s MY fucking retweet.

 My guy also has a NY day birthday. He literally buys himself everything he wants, so I had to get creative. For Christmas he’s getting a couple of nice shirts, a bottle of Replica Jazz Club, a nice throw for the couch (more like $50, not $300...) and a whisky/tobacco scented candle. For his birthday he’s getting a

Add me into the satisfied customer group!

I am another fellow 30+ year old with a shocking amount of American Eagle in my wardrobe. Cute and comfortable clothing (seriously their yoga pants and leggings are amazing) should always be celebrated!!

I’m always absurdly happy when Cocoa or Lexy show up.

The rallying cry in our house is “Cubby sucks.” I’m a fantastic mother otherwise.