
Because you can’t like to a Facebook post on a non-public page.

Do they sell gear for good teams, too?

Do they sell gear for good teams, too?

God dammit. +1

“I don’t even know what Kiante Enis looks like” - Jim Grobe

Everyone was fine. My mom picked me up and said “hope you didn’t get in any fender benders”

Plot twist: if they brought an MLS team to Detroit the  Michigan Bucks could get bumped up to the pro ranks. If it is a new team, it will be the only soccer team in Michigan higher than the Bucks. The Bucks are owned by the brother of Detroit’s Mayor. Jump to your own conclusion.

I got rear ended like that (stopped at light) my first time driving. In the driver’s ed car. I’m not kidding. Guy was drunk and got a DUI. My driving teacher didn’t have registration for the car and got a ticket and subsequently fired. Other student in the backseat told the entire high school I got in a crash my first

Naw. They could have just pulverized those with some good old helmet to the back action.

Currently a UDFA slated for 2018. Snead a UEFA in 2017.

“It’s an opportunity small schools dream of.”

I don’t think you read the article. I award you no points.

Those weekly MNF games at 5:35 pm must be fun. #GoodTimeZone

Jeff Fisher seems like a cool dude. But also a dude that in no way should have a job in a week or two. The guy has never been able to develop a quarterback. Sam Bradford fell apart on him. Nick Foles was better under Chip Kelly and Andy Reid, and Goff is apparently a mismanaged draft pick. Sure the defense is good.

They had to move Jimmy Graham, Brees trusted agent to not make the playoffs last year and open this year with a loss at home to the Raiders. Willie Snead has outplayed his contract and they won’t be able to resign him when the time comes because Cooks will be a UDFA in 2018.

My literary journalism professor did this. Scanned and collated all of his favorite work. Binded it and gave it to us for class. Had a kickoff party where he bought champagne. On second thought, he may have roofied us. But great guy!

Also this is best kinja.

So because a coach doesn’t want to give up inside information, an announcer should publish incorrect statements about a college athlete? Keep in mind, college athlete doesn’t choose how the coach acts with the media.

Didn’t Rudi Johnson steal Tatum Bell’s underwear.

Stealing jerseys? That’s tame. Call me when you steal underwear.-Joseph Randle.

well, I would hope so. MSU barely beat Furman. But as a UM fan, I was thinking “shit, we have to play these guys”.