

“I’m still confused.” -Eli Manning

Could Brady and the NFLPA have filed a lawsuit before the appeal of the 4 game suspension was upheld? If so, why didn’t they file to beat the NFL in the race to secure a preferred venue?

He won’t have to. The court case won’t be to determine if Brady cheated. The court case will be to determine if Goodell had the authority to set a punishment without it being allowed under the CBA, among other things.

If they are equating impressions to equal value they are morons because impressions are measured in a cost-per-thousand basis. At the very least, they need to divide their made up numbers by 1,000. And still, I’m assuming there’s about 12 different other errors they need to clean up.

Telephonic meeting? Did the PR guy who wrote that get paid by the word?

Mr. Johnson is a dick.

Yeah but that’s all he had. 2-3 receptions per game, 80 yards, TD. Torrey Smith with gang affiliations.

Then you forfeit the deposit. Now who looks ridiculous?

In his defense, he has turned around just about every team he has coached. Cavs, Nuggets, Sonics, Warriors.

Baxter you know I don’t speak Spanish. In English please.


No “D” in LeBron. Also in response to the person speaking of empty seats in Detroit, this picture is from 2011 or earlier.

The exact opposite of Paul Blart 1.

And sometimes only the first seasons.

Wal-Mart shoppers are the worst. STOP USING VERTICAL VIDEO!


that’s how you shake the hand of someone you’ve never met and I’m assuming Lebron and Dellavadova (who LBJ probably calls “white dude”) have never met.

Serious question, they cut football for money, brought it back because the numbers were wrong. How much money did they waste/spend on killing/reviving the program and how much will they have in lost revenue since the team will be garbage for a decade as opposed to decent enough to make a bowl game.

If Sepp Blatter was even remotely smart he would be in Belize right now with millions of dollars. I’m not even being sarcastic for the sake of Gawker. Go to a warm country and ride out your life in comfort and safety from US persecution.