
I gotta say, I didnt think much of this diet at first...I try to eat balanced and keep carbs within reason without letting any particular nutrient category get carried away. But your food list is wonderful...all things I enjoy without the undesired fluff (I'm looking at you, oatmeal). I'm not interested in fad

If that picture of Krang is a painting, then good on the artist for being so skilled with light/texture/etc. (though might I suggest using such skills to portray something a bit more original than a VERBATIM image of a the toy.)

So in a 24 hour period you had nothing but meats and cream based products (plus some broccoli)? I'd call that both unnatural and severe. I'm not sure if you're including that in all caps was a jab at my comment or in good fun. Regardless, good on you if its working, but you cant imply that this resembles anything

I think you are missing my point. The original poster is making a valid point about the fat ratio of the diet, at least as laid out in the article. The 3 part fat to 1 part everything else IS extreme regardless of what that other 1 part is. THAT is what both Gemmabeta and myself are referring to, and that is the

I dunno...I felt that Sansa in the book garners much more sympathy than the TV show Sansa. Dont get me wrong, I think that Sophie Turner is doing a phenomenal job, but the books have sooooo much exposition around Sansa that my final big picture view of her was very complex and ultimately sympathetic. She's actually

You're right, switching sandwiches for salads is not hard....but that in no way puts one on a Ketogenic diet. The original poster is making a very valid point that the ketogenic diet is pretty unnatural and severe. We're not talking about eating a better balance to aid in cholesterol/bp/etc which your comment

No. Just because an adult is obsessed with GOT (perfectly acceptable) it doesnt make their shoddy video starring their kid cute/adorable. This girl is clearly just being prodded along. Other people's kids are cute performers only when they are doing precocious things or displaying some true sense of innocent glee.

To be fair, the gif shown here of Wicket the Ewok is from that terrifying stand alone movie "Battle for Endor." They did some cheap cosmetics to the ewoks' eyes in an attempt to make them more human-ish... giving them discernible pupils. The result is something far creepier than the all dark animalistic puppy like

Dear God that image of Reese Witherspoon is terrifying.

I went to my first Texas Rodeo (in Houston) last year and we sampled the entire menu. I have to say I was pretty disappointed with most. Not even the oreos did it for me. I guess, for whatever reason, I expected the deep fried shells to be crispy like a chicken finger instead of soggy like funnel cake. The deep

Aside from the hair, its actually a quite good looking family.

I agree with some of the other commentors that these covers are neither weird nor lush. In fact I kind of hate them. They look like the art from some of those really cheap and unmemorable paper back fiction in my middle school library (circa 1989). Some of them might have some potential if they were further

"A Deepness in the Sky" by Vernor Vinge is probably my all time favorite sci-fi book and which makes me wish I had just an ounce of the skill and competence it must have required to write. Seriously, that book has EVERYTHING!

Glad to see kitties survived the 50 year quake!

Just out of curiosity, whey are you "not very sympathetic" to Orcas?

You should give it another go if you have time...for experimental reasons if nothing else. Its pretty short and I've personally found rereading some of the "bigger" titles from my childhood with an adult perspective (regardless of how I felt about them back then) is very rewarding and insightful....and an excellently

Are you warning not to see the film in IMAX because of the framerate, or the IMAX format itself? I'm asking because not all IMAX showings are HFR and there are a few HFR screenings that are not in IMAX. It would be good to distinguish where your issues lay. Personally I have found IMAX 3D format extremely fun for

Annalee, what do you think its theatrical repeat value is? I am going to see it Tuesday in the all-out-gluttony IMAX 3D HFR. But if I don't enjoy the format, I had pre-planned to see it again in a traditional setup... what do you think?

I'm curious...how old are you now? It can be really counterproductive to perpetuate your opinions on a book as an adult that you only read as a child. I for one really enjoyed The Hobbit when I was a tween, but when I read it again at age 33, felt it was... not that great. Lord of the Rings trilogy on the other

I can assure you, the love of cheese is most certainly not an "American thing."