
Good Lord, what is that last one. Its terrifying.

Oh me too! I rarely quit books, and I really didn't want to do it, but I just could NOT get through this. Maybe magic-realism just isn't my thing (I also immensely disliked The Alchemist among others) Either way, I loathed the story, the characters, and what felt like endless literary gimmicks. Great cover though.

I read Little Big last year for the first time, having put it off for ages. Its a really tough read and I often found myself really struggling. As you mentioned, the prose is beautiful, but often I was rereading paragraphs, or even pages repeatedly trying to figure out what the words actually meant (or implied) and

All I got from that "Rains of Castamer Unveiled" 'preview' was cast and crew telling us what we've already seen on screen, so I'm not too excited thus far. I hope the whole thing is not the reality-show style "inside scoop" which is really just talking heads re-narrating the scene in their own words, because thats

I think you answered your own question pretty thoroughly.

Touche PrivateIdaho. Touche

What is Rain Forest Inc? A book club?

I read this when it came out and really enjoyed it. It resonates for quite some time after completion. World building is one of Kim Stanley Robinson's real literary gifts and he is at the top of his game with it in Shaman.

No, that was not Johannesburg. Johannesburg was used in District 9 (which TAKES PLACE in Johannesburg - go figure). The future L.A. slums in Elysium were shot in Iztapalapa, Mexico. There are numerous resources all over the web detailing this, and they really dont look anything alike (aside from being poor).

I know this is called "TV recap," but even a little bit of a review or insight might have been nice to read. This was a synopsis, one which actually chronicles a great deal of the subtext (and some of the actual events) incorrectly. Not sure what the point was other than to let the commentors do all the thinking.

Offer me a Jabba the Hutt origin story and I'm sold.

Jesus H. Christ, its absolute nightmare fuel.

I've been trying to put the record straight for years now... "Scandalous" is one of THE best Prince songs ever written and performed by him, despite being on this totally insane soundtrack.

Damn... I was really hoping for a massive solar flare to wipe out my city's electronics so I could go on sobbatical. Oh well. 2024 isnt that far away.

I'm very interested in seeing this film....though I'm surprised this article doesnt mention the recent (last year) book Death at Sea World by David Kirby. It goes into exceptional detail about the long shady history of Tilikum and the archaic and continuing practices employed by Sea World regarding captivity. It was

The glow in the dark ghost was always (and always will be) my favorite. It was so Pac-Man-esque and cute yet fit perfectly into the lego population. As a bi-product of 80's toys, this struck a real cord with me. I even asked several friends (when they seemed to care little about the ghost figure in their set) if I

No, religious boycott because of atheism was present but not so significant that it was the cause of failure (most Americans were not even aware of this "controversy" due to them not being familiar enough with the source material) but entirely because of marketing. It was a pretty significant hit internationally

The article image looks like the love spawn of Wall-E and Eve.

...never going to top anyone’s list of Top 5 Ghibli movies.

I'll give you the standard American Diet is obviously not overtly healthy....but the "its what our species lived on for millions of years before farming" stance is not really very valid here. Life expectancy was not very long in our early ancestors and they certainly didnt live off anything close to the combination