
I JUST finished reading "Dry Storeroom No. 1 - The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum" by John Fortey. Although it is specifically about the NHM in London, he makes a point that many of the sentiments are cross national when it comes to big science institutions. One of the more interesting parts of the book

I'd beg to disagree. We may not like him as a sane member of society, but he's pretty consistent with his film performances and the projects he chooses tend to be on the [very] high quality end of the spectrum.

Actually Honolulu is only a 5 hour flight from LA, which is the same time it takes to get from LA to NY or any other eastern seaboard city direct. The zombies will survive!

I just recently started watching the first season of "Adventuretime." Damn that show is really fantastic, and I hear it only gets better. I just love the writing and overall style. Looks like its time to force some new DVD's on my nieces and nephews.

It was a great watch.

Well just because a piece of print media is technically a copy of an original handcrafted artwork does not intrinsically de-merit its value as an "original" or antique. Sure there is stuff that is overpriced simply because it is old, but the value (monetary and conceptually) of having a first run movie poster as part

I'm sorry, but the Honorable Mention of the landmarks being airlifted out is pretty bad, conceptually and aesthetically. Was the bar set really low for actual visual execution of ideas?

Maybe they're using a REALLY big optical focal length.

Wow. That Kellan Lutz character has got it going ON!

Oh Christ that was well played!

There is such a huge disconnect from the quite interesting city/sky/train vista shots and the absolutely terrible live action/ps2 video game sequences. The editing is also terrible...but probably exists as is because there was little to no footage to compile besides what we see here (along with the indulgent text

Surely thats not his real upper body....right? If so....good lord, those trapezius muscles....

When I was a kid I had this book called "Our Universe" from National Geographic, that I was totally obsessed with. Even today I consider it a really great book. It had a very nice section on the speculative future, including space habitation and the pictures throughout were gorgeous. There were some of a station

I always found it strange that "Its a Small World" didnt have a larger Brazilian section within South America. Considering its by far the largest country in S.America and has more distinct and recognizable (to Americans) cultural elements than Chile and Argentina combined... I dont think the "rain forest" section

Its a fun poster for sure...but the fact that "Princess Mononoke" has such beautiful design in its own right and that the poster basically overhauls it for its own minimalist print look kind of bothers me. I feel this kind of stylized look works better when applied as a live action tribute rather than to an animated

Although their loveliness may not be not diminished, as soon as you add "photoshop" to the equation, they become considerably less impressive.

Of course I wouldn't necessarily ENJOY a brutal, fearful unknown world (of which most things would be inherently negative) but if the alternative is certain death, I opt for taking my chances in the former without question. Perhaps if I was religious I'd want to go out with civilization, but I'd prefer to go out

Wasnt Neil Gaiman's "Graveyard Book" suppose to be the "untitled" Sellick film? If not, I do hope "Graveyard Book" makes this list sooner or later because I'm really looking forward to a (hopefully stop motion) version of that book! "Coraline" was just superb!

But that, Annalle, exactly where this sytem is failing. Its not easier. Its more cumbersome, and more time consuming because its much easier to scroll and skim than click...and click...and click...and click ...to find something worthwhile. Not to mention the fact that you have to click to get more options to click

"...given that the Distric 9 scenario (apartheid) was supposed to have ended a while ago."