
They need to hire these guys and build something like this in Disneyland STAT!

That is an amazing photograph. What is most breathtaking to me is considering the ability of spacecraft/telescopes/etc to take photos of such artistic and aesthetic quality through almost pure automation. Just goes to show how gorgeous the cosmos are. You can almost NOT get a great shot! Imagine seeing it up close

Dear Lord, why would you not be ready for 3D dinosaurs?! I think they are what 3D was made for!

I've found over time that "Monsters Inc." has the greatest repeat value of any Pixar film for me (even though I claim to love Wall-E the best) and its because of the characters and incredibly unique world they live in. So I see no reason not to be super excited about this movie, regardless of it being a sequel!

To be fair, I think there is a little more than just Botox going on there. But yeah, botox is still a fucked up concept in my book.

Well to be fair and to help somewhat support Ye Olde Human's point of view....they were running from an unknown life form, which can certainly create a state of paranoia and fear significantly more extreme than knowing what it is. Their minds probably immediately envisioned the worst such as an alien beast or

I would add Stage 6:

I switched to edibles years ago. Still high, but my lung capacity is stellar!

Although I dont categorically refute any of the NDE conclusions reached by the researchers mentioned in the article, they are drawing these conclusions from a pathetically small sample group.

They lost me at "Sara Silverman's character..."

I think this is fun. Its not an e-book snub or misguided marketing decision...its simply a creative and nostalgic project taken to completion with a physical product.

Looks more like Don Bluth than Disney.

Yeah same here. I was prompted to type that long comment out because Cyriaque wrote.... "The infamous photo above might be a real snapshot of this incident — there's also a chance she was hung again postmortem for a photo opportunity" ....so casually and matter of fact, which struck me as a bit naive.

Its not necessarily photoshopped (though it very well could be). Visual errors that cue us into a poorly executed use of photoshop are the same as those in a poorly executed physical comp. Anything with lighting/shadow/reflection/scale/focus/etc/etc inconsistencies in a "photograph" from 25 or more years ago will

I'm sorry, but that photo does not look in the least bit real. It looks like a classic cut and paste and rephotograph job, as photo composites used to be done. The ultra clean placement of the chain with basically zero sag or pull of the elephants body doesn't add up, nor the fact that the trunk is anything but limp

Thats the most massive giraffe I've ever seen. The illustration must be using the far extremes of possible size (like world record maybe?) because I've seen lots of giraffes in zoos and in the wild all over East Africa and have never seen one with a head the size of a grown man's upper body. By that illustration,

But thats just it, the more frames needed for actual display, the more tweening that needs to be done. Even though in betweens are automatically generated by the computer in digital animation (when desired), there will still be need for more refinement due to the increased number of them, and hence more keyframes.

Looks interesting enough, but at what point in this trailer was the girl "fighting off Ice Age creatures?" I'd say thats kind of a misleading headline.

Yeah, I totally agree with you that the frame rate is an aesthetic issue, and I happen to personally like the effect of motion blur and 'some' flicker. But in Jackson's defense, I'm also willing to gamble that it is something I've been trained to appreciate based on the fact that the projects I most enjoy and respect

Well, two things...its not just the rendering at 48fps that will be an issue, its also the animation itself. More frames = ultimately more in betweens, and although some of those will be automatic, key framing will undoubtedly be heavier. 48fps will be less forgiving to an animator who is trying to create fluid