
I'm confused by the frame rate hate. I admit that I dont care for the up-rated look of blu rays on my tv in general practice, but to be fair, those films were not SHOT at 48ps + and therefore are certainly going to look artificial (or perhaps ingenuous) in some way. I think the fact that "The Hobbit" would be both

Why does he insist on photographing everyone as if they have crazy eyes. Actually, it looks like the photos have been digitally altered (i.e the saturation cranked up) which is kind of lame when you are doing editorial portraits ....

I vote for "The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld" for #1 !

Ugh..it was kind of insufferable. So clearly geared to a social-network-ipad-addicted-hipster crowd as to feel kind of like a joke if you dont meet all the required cliches. I'm in no way anti-technology but if all I have to look forward to in the upcoming years of application is new ways to check in to food trucks

Every Christian periodical in the nation is going to run the first sentence (or something similar) as their next issue's headline. Albeit without any other circumstantial information.

The magic of mystery and intrigue in our world dies a slow death as it becomes smaller...and smaller...and.....

This does not look "beautiful" as the title implies, but entirely sterile and uninspired. Honestly, this is MAYBE one step above an ABC family Sunday night feature. No thank you.

"Here's the synopsis, but "Tetsuo's final scene from Akira + Mardi Gras" may be just as apt.."

ROTJ was the only movie I got to see in a theater as a child. It was not until much later that I was able to see Star Wars and Empire on VHS or TV and so my collective childhood Star Wars fascination was understandably geared towards ROTJ. As a critical adult, sure maybe I'd say that ROTJ has more flaws than the

God I do love that "Flight to Lucifer" cover. The prismatic demon faces screams "read me" but the synopsis quickly kills the urge.

The photo next to the "face" book and the one next to the "nipple" book are the same book. You can tell by the markings. I know its a bit morbid, but I was hoping to see more photographic examples of the books described in the article. I now must take to google on my own....

Two (or more) photos. Atleast one is a clean plate. Its the standard principal for nearly every practical digital effect in film compositing. Although the photos are a little fun, I think there might be more over thinking on this project than it merits.

The article implies the answer "they would look like this."

This seems to be a blatant ripoff of the actual Dr Seuss "unorthodox taxidermy" which are considerably more fun. So not only did he poach the look of Dr Seuss characters but an entire artistic execution as well, for his own sales. weak.

All one has to do is watch the "Glowing Sushi Cooking Show" on their website to realize that there is no way in hell these people should be taken seriously. It seems to be more or less a joke even to them...

We just finished watching "Surface" on netflix. I'd say this dino is a classic nimrod.

"...the fact that most of the wreckage and crew were never recovered could be turned into a humdinger of a fantasy novel"

I read the book awhile back. Didnt love it, but didnt hate it either. But it always felt to me like the thing was written for the sole intent of cashing in on the inevitable movie rights. I'll be curious (excited is not the word) to see how this turns out...

" I might have been more agressive than I wished..."

Wow. You didnt like PJ's King Kong and you are a film historian. Note taken. I really dont think my comments about why I liked the movie and disliked a line were that out of touch. Clearly not worth the time sharing opinions with you about a film because subjectivity has no place in the discussion. Duly noted.