
It's pretty straightforward, really. They are the type of people who have been yearning for one of their own to "punch back" at liberals, and the liberal media, for years. They are also the same as the Russians who love Putin, even as he dismantles any remaining semblance of a free society in Russia.

I'd have more time for Joe and Mika if they hadn't been so instrumental in the normalization of Trump during the campaign. He thanked them both personally for their support after his primary victory in New Hampshire.

Not entirely sure that's true, given Brie's abortion storyline in the previous episode, but I can see how the fact that Debbie's backstory is much more fleshed out than Ruth's can given that impression.

About that English accent of hers, she puts it to good use here (speak-singing included!):

Also, not to minimize the decision in any way, but once you get past all the politics, studies have shown time and again that this is the reality for the vast majority of women who have abortions. Getting on with it, then getting on with their lives.

Yeah, I thought the whole visit was extremely well written, with just the right touches of humor and pathos it needed.

This might never end…

"Always leave them wanting more…"

"Two hours" is just the opening bargaining position…. maybe?

Yeah, same here.

You mean Jesus Christ really isn't an American?

Rhonda: “Um, I’m speak-singing. Like Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.”

Ruth is fantastic, it's impossible to imagine anyone other than Alison Brie making this role work as well as it does.

If this episode doesn't earn Alison Brie an Emmy nomination, then I don't know what will. Fantastic from start to finish.

You mean Korl?

Man, tough crowd. You are allow to love more than one show, you know.

I couldn't get through more than a couple of episodes of Emerald City, I thought it was a complete mess. Regarding the preference for The Good Place, I think that's mostly because it was a new high concept comedy and flavor of the month, while People of Earth was in season two.

Not that unrealistic, though, given the desperate situation.

Very clever. No hacker would believe a user could be that stupid…
