
Laziness? You know it takes hundreds (thousands?) of people an entire year to make one season of this show, with many people working long hours for months on end to get it done on schedule, right? The only "blatant laziness" around here is from commenters like you who don't think for one second before posting crap

Yeah, looking at this review and the comments, I'm very happy I decided to end my foolish devotion to watching most genre TV shows before this one started. Still more than happy to watch the good ones, but I cannot bear the thought of slogging through another "Under the Dome" level of quality show.

I think the dragons die too — but maybe there will be eggs…?

He let Tyrion go. More than enough in itself.

Okay — but I don't see it, at all. Dany was always going to be in this position one day, and thi is GRRM's tale to tell — the ending will be as he planned it, not the writers. You are making assumptions about what will happen based on very little so far, and acting like it's already done and dusted.

His point is that he disagrees with you.

So, you think there are too many feminazis on the writing staff??

Her training was just a means to an end — the completion of her list. Since she is not actively pursuing anyone at the moment, she doesn't know what to do with herself. She hasn't exactly had anything to anchor herself on, has she?

Why? GRRM is an executive producer and consultant on the show, and while he isn't writing the scripts, there's little doubt that the arc of the show is taking us where he wants to go.

Not really — not coming from someone like Olenna.

People do pointless things all the time, even at the great cost to themselves.

Moot, since I think they were a little overcooked to be eaten.

Times have changed. Needs must, etc.

I see your point (Ring + eagles => Mt. Doom), but I think in this case, it would be foolish for Dany to risk her life going north of the wall until she knows exactly what she's facing. She dies, and everything collapses.

Well, if you're going to play the whiny asshole, what do you expect?

Actually, given GoT is based on medieval Europe, the reality is that the wars and battles didn't touch the local population anywhere near as much as you would think. Sure, some were conscripted into the army from time to time, but daily life outside of the immediate location of the battle went on with little

Did you forget his training sessions with Bronn?

You're overthinking things to the point you're never going to get any enjoyment out of the show. Bronn saw it coming and jumped out of the way, for one. No plot armor required.

I think we saw the cost — bodies turned to ash. I thought they did an excellent job of portraying the chaos, cost, and carnage.

Wishful thinking on your part.