
Yeah, but at least TWD didn't start out stupid. Still not entirely sure why FTWD even exists.

As much as I am a fan of Richard Ayoade, his voice isn't exactly "reliably charming and soothing."

We're talking about a TV show here, not real life :)

Well, it could have been a network show with a villain-of-the-week and six filler episodes…

Re: the number of agents. They just spent most of an hour emphasizing the need to "tighten the circle" and the operation was to take down the VP. It's certainly plausible they kept the number of agents to a bare minimum in this case.

Well, we have a president who believes he's being wiretapped and just leaked highly classified information about the CIA being hacked, so…

The plot needed her to?

Yep — their cover was blown, so she tied up a couple of final loose ends…

The most mind-boggling thing of all about this episode is that the last thing screenwriter (and co-executive producer) Peter Calloway worked on was that piece of utter dreck called "Under the Dome."

I see your point, but the circumstances are very different when you only have a handful of survivors in an otherwise empty world, as opposed to hundreds of individual settlements all struggling to survive in a world where danger lurks around every corner.

Two days drive at, say, 30mph, is 600 miles. That's over a million square miles of territory within two day's drive. Not hard to believe there are some places left undiscovered.

Too risky. If the Saviors find them in possession of even one gun before the uprising begins, it's curtains for Rick and some if not all of his motley crew.

Not to mention the fact that many of the zombies are rotting away after all this time (a point made in last week's episode).

Well, that depends on how much damage he causes in the meantime. Nixon may have been paranoid, but at least he knew how to make policy and knew how diplomacy worked. The narcissistic man-child we now have in office can barely string together two coherent sentences without contradicting himself (unless he's talking

Not sure if you're just joking, but the reports are that the powers-that-be were very happy with the Kimmel's hosting duties. The mess at the end wasn't his fault, and could easily have been made less embarrassing for all if Price Waterhouse and the show runners had been quicker off the mark.

Wow, all your IRL friends and family too? Must be so hard being unable to get away from it…

You greatly underestimate the abuse and discrimination trans people have suffered over the years. If live and let live had been the order of the day, there would be no need for activism. And the insinuation that both sides on the issue are equally culpable is irresponsible as well as reprehensible.

I guess you don't watch much scifi if you believe TV shows should be bogged down by real-life details like "blueprints, financing, zoning and permits."

He clearly has better health insurance than I do, that's for sure.

Probably depended on what props/locations they had access to at the time.