
Come now, surely as wily a rebel droid as Chopper would know to hack the change logs too…

Otherwise known as the Snowflake-in-Chief.

Bill Maher gets a lot right, but he also gets a lot wrong — particularly in the critical area of medicine and health (he's an alt-med whack job). As with most people, you have to take the rough with the smooth (or not at all, I guess).

My guess is that Andre is a big fan of President Putin.

No honor among Nazis.

If he keeps signing the legislation the Republicans put under his nose, who's going to remove him? Impeachment may just result in President Pence, but it would come at a heavy and unpredictable cost.

It is bizarre. They elected the biggest snowflake of them all, although many of his supporters are still in denial.

He can't help himself. He used to start his day reading clippings from all the newspaper and magazine articles his staff had found about him every morning. Long before he obsessed about voter totals, he obsessed about TV ratings of The Apprentice.

Yep — I didn't suspect either. Apparently she went to the Hugh Lawrie School of American Accents.

Apparently Netflix has never canceled a show after one season, and Marco Polo is the only show not to make it past two seasons on the service, so I'm guessing Santa Clarita has a decent chance of renewal.

She's been hiding Down Under, apparently, for all but the last two of her 22 (!) years

Still better than the network model where you don't know whether a new show is going to be canned after a week or five weeks. At least with Netflix, you're guaranteed an entire season of the show.

I enjoyed it, it's a well made show, though I can understand why some people felt let down by the ambiguity of the ending, and others felt they had been duped.

The problem with the ending of the season is that once "the cure" was spelled out as a half-cure, then there's really only one way the series can continue, given the alternative. So even if they fiddled with the tone a little, the cliff-hanger ending would still have been a bit of a squib.

Then I guess you've never watched an episode of Ash vs Evil Dead. You probably shouldn't, so just believe me when I say, when it comes to pushing boundaries with bodily fluids, The Santa Clarita Diet has a lot of catching up to do…

Sexy Jesus, sexy Young Pope — the Apocalypse is truly upon us…

True, but it has the merit of depicting what has happened in reality, though… (third or fourth time around, anyway).


It's still early…
