
Not so much random when you're show is (mostly) following the years-old plot line of a series of novels.

Wonder how she got a scrip for that?

You need one to operate… legally. Subtle difference.

Thing is, it's anything but harmless. Vulnerable people — especially kids and teens have actually committed suicide because of the online bullying they have suffered, and many more have been psychologically harmed by it. Sure, many have the ability to laugh it off, but it is a serious mistake to believe everyone is

Did you even see the movie? I guess not, since your claim that it's a "leftist propaganda film" is completely ridiculous.

It looked like some selling T-shirts or hats.

Nah — they already confirmed that was just a gag (like the awkwardness over Montez's birthplace), and that they aren't going to put Selina back in the White House in any capacity.

I wouldn't be all that difficult to plausibly find a way to keep the core cast together:

There's a lot more that goes into the pacing than the needs of the plot, or the viewer, unfortunately — namely the finances and the ability to keep such a massive acting and production team in place.

Yeah, and it's cool to see what he did with all that treasure trove money he received for digging up that Saxon aestel…

Yeah, given all the other dysfunctional authoritarian nonsense going on in Wayward Pines, including the expectation that even preteen girls who can bear children are required to do so, the return of the death penalty for homosexuals doesn't seem at all far-fetched. Indeed, it's been that way throughout virtually all

Yeah, royalty marries for dynastic and political reasons. When they don't, it tends not to end well (c.f. the Red Wedding).

Well, being locked up for weeks in the possession of the biggest sadist in Westeros is likely to scramble the mind somewhat.

I think you just answered your own question.

Don't forget the "no raping, no pillaging" proviso. Even after another Kingsmoot, the Iron Islanders wouldn't go for that. Only with Dany's help will Yara gain lasting control of the Iron Islands.

Then it seems you are in the minority.

Well, in the event of disappointment, don't forget that it's just a TV show, and regardless, it's still one of the tightest, funniest shows on television.

Do you really think they've spent an entire season reaching this point without figuring out the endgame?

In my time, I've known more than a few very competent software engineers who just didn't get user interface design, at all, and such people will fight tooth and nail to keep features even if the UI will confuse the typical user. While the scenario is exaggerated for effect in the show, there is more than a grain of

I enjoyed it and I thought the direction was fine. The Waif was always confident she would catch and kill Arya, and was clearly enjoying the chase.