
Actually, it seems like any major religion that hasn't been dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world by recent secular progressive thought. You don't have to delve too deep into Catholic doctrine to find what it believes a woman's duty should be (and it's certainly not the priesthood) and the state of women


That wasn't assholish, it was anal. Believe me, when it comes to code formatting and coding standards in general, Richard's characterization wasn't that far from being true to life. It can get under your skin when people don't do it right.

No idea whether it was original or not, but the spaces vs tabs story line was hilarious (because it's true).

Sorry, but if you can't tell the difference between the quality of a show like Game of Thrones and one like True Blood, then you've not really been paying attention.

Not in the slightest. In fact, they established that the Raven visions were more than just visions in the previous episode, when Ned heard Bran shout out. There is a physical presence that can be, and was detected.

Re: return to the status quo — If they're smart, they'll let Juliette keep her hexenbiest powers (as she was before her transformation into Eve).

They also know she has dragons — the tale grows in the telling.

It was an ambush. Planned. The building was clearly rigged to go up in flames with the khals inside it.

If you're looking for black and white, you're watching the wrong show.

Indeed. In reality, the fact that we're getting down to this level of nitpickiness is a testament to just how great this show is.

Unless they are well versed in first century history, most British people can't typically do this since address numbers start from 1 on every single street.

But that's what makes this show so great. There are plenty of other shows that make it easy to know who to cheer for, but very few of them are close to this compelling. It's like watching the most artistically staged slow motion train wreck ever produced. Glorious.

Love the end tag line "The American people are done with electing career politicians…"

Frank is immortal. There is nothing in the show that can kill him, or change him, for that matter. That is the central conceit of the show.

Re: Lip - As Frank would say "Takes one to know one."

Thing is, self-awareness isn't always enough, especially for young people who haven't been through it themselves already. I once had a middle-aged colleague confide in me that he was struggling over whether to have an affair with his wife's best friend (yeah, I had to be *that* guy), and how he always hated the way

For me, Carl is being played exactly like a 14 year-old who is trying to be a 16 year old — first as a gang-banger, and now as a "mature young man" attempting to impress his girlfriend and girlfriend's dad.

Yeah, but that just makes him an even better match for Mr. Burns.

They can't. Frank is the central conceit of the show. Without Frank Gallagher, there is no Shameless.