
@Flapjack: Guns and chainsaws are also dangerous in malicious hands, but if someone sold me a gun or chainsaw, and then, after taking my money, gave me something that could not put a bullet in someone or saw through a tree trunk respectively, they would still be in the wrong.

@OreoExplosion: m = milli, M = Mega. An important distinction when talking about lasers.

@OCEntertainment: You have an unusual idea of how a large corporation goes about implementing a new business model if you think that it can go from drawing board to full production in eight months. As for the reduction in back seasons of shows, it was a lot of shows all at once that when from being a whole season to

@OCEntertainment: Yeah, but do you really think they removed them at the behest of the content owners (especially older shows like Firefly)? It seems more likely that they planned HuluPlus months before actually releasing it and adjusted their programming accordingly.

@92BuickLeSabre: Druggings in small amounts can be just as effective. I read somewhere (I forget where) about all of the different drugs that Hitler's doctor prescribed to him...explained a lot.

@Kaostick: ...And its only about 100 ft from the ground.

@Sheldon: Yeah, the MPAA believes that as soon as movies and the internet get anywhere near each other, the movie industry will cease making money and implode on itself. So they rarely license the streaming option.

@moonshadowkati: It will, but you need a really big post it. I think you have to order them special from japan or something.

@kaizoman: So then, if you wanted to compare to credit cards (which was the original point before you started arguing semantics) you would either need to work out the monthly rate on your credit card or determine the equivalent APR for this loan ...In other words, exactly what the OP did.

@jupigare: In my experience, this is fairly rare (i'm an engineering student, so this is definitely a concern for me). Then again, I'm almost always working with other students when I do the homework, so there is usually an opportunity to check if my book is right.

@Matt Abercrombie: even in Holland, where pot enjoys an unquestionably legal status, only about 10% is grown in accordance with the law, while the rest is kept secret to avoid taxes.

Sidebar: If you don't intend to keep and use the textbook for the rest of your life, international editions are great, and most of the best resources for cheap books (half.com, abebooks) carry them.

@curtis07: Does it make you feel good to lecture others on the internet? Also are you a mormon? Are you using lifehacker as an opportunity to prosletise? Because it sure feels that way

So...don't go to torrent sites because they have ads (potentially compromised ads sure, but any ad is a "potentially compromised ad"). Because no where else on the internet are there any of those...

@alek2407: I feel like that illegal needs some air quotes...

@Yerzriknot: #1:spend less money somehow. Sounds great, but lacks important details

@Robert Anhalt: You mean copying other people's business like: "There's this bar I know that puts tv's up everywhere so people can watch sports together while they drink. Maybe I should make a bar like that!"

@angstman: i think the impressive part was convincing the people actually selling the software to sell it at that discount.

@Insecur1tyGuard: well, obviously that one should have read "speed of sound" instead of "speed of light." The difference is that fox's "mistakes" usually support their own preconcieved narrative of the way the world ought to work.