
If you do any uploading at all, they get you for that. Remember, the way copyright law is written, it's distributing copyrighted material that's illegal, not obtaining it. The idea is that if your local walmart starts selling bootleg copies of Hurt Locker, you're not responsible.

"the doors of the buildings-none of them were locked" sounds like he was...

I'm impressed that you can't tell how stupid it sounds to criticize someone for not doing their due diligence and missing important details based solely on the headline of an article while completely disregarding its content.

Along the lines of introducing yourself to the hiring manager, a friend made a suggestion which i've yet to try. To get in touch with someone important at a larger company (CEO, VP of the department you want to work in), you need to get past their assistant. Generally this assistant answers the phones and reads

I think the idea here is less that you think the job is out of your league, and more that the hiring manager thinks that it is.

@The5thElephant: I find this idea somewhat confusing. "I really like my tablet, but I need an external keyboard to type on it with. If only there was some device that already came with a keyboard. Maybe it could fold in a clamshell sort of way..." I wonder how much of this is people doing what is

@Mr. Bean: of course, this does not address product placement in shows, which is becoming much more prevalent.

@ProudGeek: Pro-Tip: You need to turn off safesearch

...Salt will lower the freezing temperature of water by a couple of degrees. Boiling water will raise temperature of ice by a couple of tens of degrees. What exactly is the salt for, again?

@lozerette: Most people have a pretty good idea of how much it costs to fill their tank though, just by virtue of it being about the same amount every time.

@MattSTKC: You might consider talking to your bank about the largest to smallest thing, as Wells Fargo recently lost a $200 million dollar suit for doing exactly that.

@matthewrudnick: I think the difference here is that the correspondence is being sent through the company. Like if the prisoner said to the cop "tell my lawyer that the body is buried under the old mill."

@tomcat1483: Yeah, I was mostly talking about using it for metal parts that have significant mechanical function. For plastic parts like that, you're absolutely right, if you can convince the average consumer that they'll use it once a month or more, we'll easily see them in homes within 10 years.

@tomcat1483: Well, I think it will be several decades before this tech is cheap enough to compete with any sort of full scale parts manufacturing, but I think that it is realistic to think that organizations which have a high demand for custom and or discontinued parts could have access to it in the next 10 or 20

@FiskFisk33: Yeah, just like those doctors that tell you if you have cancer.

@anitesh.jaswal: I think it might have been explicitly for phones only, IIRC

@Krogenar: How did the internet make it this far without government intervention and regulation, anyway?

@Krogenar: If snow cleanup were a private contract, the effect of workers going on strike would be no different in the short term. Sure, you could change companies next year, but there's no way they could scramble a different company to do the job in a short enough time to make a difference. Furthermore, one example

@Krogenar: Having voice and data as separate plans is not an example of tiered pricing. Saying "I don't pay for apples and oranges because I only eat oranges" is different than "I only eat 5 oranges a week, so I don't pay for 10." But as you say, tiered pricing isn't really the point, and I think a lot of people

"How do I get a (creative) job (at a small company sometime in the next 3-6 months) when I (think) I have no relevant experience?"