
@Insecur1tyGuard: Nope, it was a multiple choice, pick only one sort of test. And sorry, it was 110%.

@Insecur1tyGuard: Well, I've never known another news network besides fox to show polls totaling 120%, so it seems fair to especially pick on Fox for this. As for the "less moderate than Fox," I beg you to find me the liberal equivalent of Glenn Beck anywhere on television.

@Alexander Riccio: Well, I would guess that the fact that the iPad is the most well publicized brand of tablet makes it prime for comparison, and the fact that it runs iOS and not a full on operating system (i.e. OSX or windows) goes along with the whole 'changing interface to allow for different functions' bit that

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Well, it was a finished product before google ever touched it. That was my point.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: well, how many years was gmail in beta? As for google voice, it didn't start inside google, so saying they finished it on their own is a bit of a stretch.

@Monty: Your characterization of telecoms as companies that compete in a free market is incorrect. There are only a handful of wireless internet providers, all of whom seem to move in lockstep with one another with regards to products and pricing. Wired internet is even worse. And we deliberately limit the amount

@CaptainJack: Right, the way that people don't like wireless data providers capping their monthly downloads, but then that one company offers an unlimited plan now. What's that company again? I forget.

@Benedinho: yeah, those emergency slides cost tens of thousands of dollars to repack and recertify after they're deployed.

@Solarisphere: diameter equals 885', so radius is 442.5'. Perimeter (circumference) is 1400' or so. Hmmcolor got it right the first time.

@Possums: dTheta/dt should be in radians, not revolutions. Multiply by 2 pi.

@Zelyre: Something like this would be faster. Also, my point was that if domain registry were not working, you would have no way of connecting a domain and ip unless you did know it from memory.

@sarcasticmexican1: Yes, but that's a big if. Even very tech savvy people usually don't know their favorite sites by ip. For example, who can tell me (without looking) the ip for gizmodo?

@tande04: Right, but I think the fact that it is legal to break the encryption under any circumstance means that it is legal to sell software to do it. Which is probably more important for consumers.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: The problem is that the exemption explicitly states that it applies only to DVD's. You can read the language in the link provided in the article.

@HektikLyfe: Well, your bank should be using an encrypted connection, so even if someone were to record your wifi packets and remove the wifi encryption, they still would not have access to important information.

@Posco Grubb: I'm not sure what you're referring to..."the full name, date of birth, and gender you use to book your flight needs to be identical to that on your identification." Have you had this problem with Jet Blue in the past or something?

@Rontourage: And the thing is, there is really nothing going into this component-wise to justify the price difference. It's a motor, a fan, and some plastic. I can't wait for the instructable showing us how to build our own, though, because it is kinda cool.