
@farcedude: Most large and small airplanes have had equipment which will allow them to fly totally blind into an airport without issue. Not sure what sort of additional capability you could have or need...

@JosephCole: Yeah, if I remember correctly.

@Random Acronym: No, that was a very nice try, but the original article which I was quoting does not actually say that. When grown ups do fact checking, they go to the original source before they tell someone that they're wrong. Thank for playing.

@JosephCole: I've also seen a couple in phoenix that were of the pine tree variety. They tend to stick out a bit more.

@Random Acronym: No, the actual article says exactly what I quoted: reduces emissions by 175%.

@csl5049: yes, and more importantly, a traditional compressor system requires a working that can be compressed by a significant amount. Metal, any metal, does not compress the same way that a gas does. I'm also somewhat skeptical of the claim that it will be "reducing the emissions of air-conditioning and

@frigg: "that's the equivalent of the grocery store getting all its food boosted by thieves." No. All music ever is not being pirated. Only a small percentage (you're welcome to supply information to the contrary, but keep in mind that the RIAA is not a credible source on the subject) of record sales are actually

@frigg: Right, but "stolen" music costs artists less than stolen groceries cost stores. Most music is pirated by people who could not afford to legally purchase a tenth of the music they download, so lots of people getting music for free and people paying for music are not actually directly linked. So you should

@frigg: well, it seems like you need to examine your goals. For example most grocery stores invest little to no money in Loss Prevention. Instead, they plan on being stolen from a little and budget accordingly, because it's cheaper than hiring security. Sure on principle it isn't right for those people to steal,

@Hvedhrungr: Or better yet, they could have invested some of it in school music programs, so that there would be more/better artists and discerning listeners in the world. I would say they were more interested in money than music, but...

@wjbean: exactly. It's like a 330,000 landmine. Although, as I read it, it's human controlled, not autonomous. Perhaps to prevent it from attacking squirrels and frogs that move or have a heat signature. Come to think of it, it would be hilarious if it did just shoot anything that moved.

@alienchld7: My best guess is that the responder on the reference is this guy, but I'm not sure.

So this will charge a cell phone battery with a capacity of about 3.5 Watt-Hours in 2-3 hours (assuming that the battery will take a somewhat inconsistent charge). That's pretty respectable. It would be nice if the article itself told us how well the thing actually works, not just that it exists, because many of

@pbutler88: I don't know if you were aware, but sprint does 4g in portland, and charges less for plans including data than verizon. and they have the Evo, a 4g smartphone. Not trying to shill for them, but I used to live in portland, and now I live somewhere without 4g, so I'm especially aware of it.

@frigg: Well, the study is somewhat targeted to those who are loyal to the iPhone brand; it makes comparisons only in terms of other iPhones, not any objective scale or comparison to other phones, i.e. "going places no iPhone has gone before." Additionally, it's a product which cannot perform its basic functions to

@octasquid: In answer to your question (are they all just fanboys that would buy one anyway?) I'll refer you to N.Senada's comment below which says "From what I have read and limited first hand experience, I am convinced there is a problem with reception on iPhone 4. This will not stop me from getting iPhone 4 soon."

@Grr, Argh!: Really? at what point in the video did you actually see someone moving faster than a brisk walk (and yes, I do mean an actual demonstrations, not a vague claim about top speed)?

@sqeakytoy of the apocalypse: yes, they say in the video that it goes 15 mph, just like they say with the concept art that it will be non obtrusive. However, watching the video, you don't actually see anyone going anywhere near that fast. And I would expect to see a full demonstration of it's capabilities in the, at

Okay, I didn't see anything in the video that was A. Faster than walking (if you're not going to get exercise, you should at least get there quickly) or B. more convenient than an electric scooter (how much does that boot weigh?) The concept art is really pretty, but the actual product completely fails to live up to

@eCommArchitect: Name the last one...Conficker? (I'm assuming that you are using virus to mean any sort of malware)