
Yeah, the six month number doesn't appear to be a result of any study, but rather the anecdotal evidence of one person. Definitely a serious change takes more than six weeks (the length of the study this article purports itself to be about) but probably less than six months (a number with little real basis but which

@IgnatiusFaloo: While "Man" survived just fine without many modern comforts, that survival involved a fair bit of dying on the part of the individuals that make up the species. Also, with regards to "not so long ago harmless bacteria" I must point out that some food born pathogens, like botulism, for example, have

@Cameron Ross: "#6 Obligations are a lie" I think part of the reason the economy is in such a shambles right now is because a group of CEO's thought this exact thing...

@dreamlayers: of course, if you have any sort of linux live cd, you can back up your mbr pretty easily with dd.

@SammyD1st: The capital loss means that they don't need the deduction that they could get from giving to a charity. Context around a sentence is nice...

@DeeJayQueue: I believe pot is still sold by the ounce here in the States. So mostly just drug dealers, rather than potheads.

Determent != Detriment

@ShrilekhaAntelope: "Haven't we all quit drinking coffee like this" Yes, that must be why I find so few Starbucks locations these days! And the point of buying any food item out is that someone else prepares it for you. If he wanted, he could make the espresso at home for a lot less than $2.50, but that isn't

@TITECH: I think the moral of the story is don't use "security" questions unless you have to, and if you do, make up a fake answer, don't use a real one. This makes your email significantly harder to "crack."

@JadeEmperor: For the clueless newbie: block javascript for things you know for sure you don't need, use tracemonkey to run those scripts that are necessary.

@brandiniman: Exactly. Is anything that fast these days? Or even any where close?

Remunerate! Not Renumerate! Also, though the suggestion about the contract is definitely a good one, this article is really more about why you should work for free, rather than how to go about it when you do (as the headline suggests).

@desigi: you could just put linux on it yourself...

@Deadhacker: If you are concerned about someone who wants your data specifically, rather than just any old credit card or SSN, open source tools are probably always the way to go, just for the sake of really knowing exactly how things work and where your stuff goes.

@Alex7575: Not so much cramps, but yes, I'm generally inclined to agree, this seems like a good way to hurt yourself. The jogging part is right, just like it has been for decades, while I would tend to question the second part. Unfortunately it appears you need to subscribe in order to view the full article, so it

@Jodita: MAC tutoring? I thought the biggest reason that one would pay the premium for Apple products was supposed to be the ease of using them. If you are going to pay someone to teach you to use it, and invest your own time to learn, wouldn't it be cheaper to by a Dell running supposedly harder to understand

@wunch: Yeah, the majority of their business comes from tourists who won't be there more than once per year anyway. All the better for you if you're a local!

I don't by any means claim to be an expert, but from what I can tell, rasterization is a process of converting an image based on vectors into a collection of pixels. So at some point the picture will have to be rasterized either way in order to be printed, no?

@xgad: "I wish I had enough money to blow on customizing my laptop"

@Justice: Generally speaking, a service schedule does not include much replacement of expensive parts. If we are assuming that the resale value of the vehicle is negligible after 150k or so, that is all the more reason to squeeze as much life out of it as you can if you keep it past that point (or buy it after that