
Okay, this was a fun video of a guy carving a "pumpking" but it wasn't exactly a how-to; there wasn't much in there about technique or style, and he didn't actually demonstrate it the way that he would suggest that you do it. This guy is definitely a lot better at carving pumpkins than making guides.

@EASTKOY: The problem is that in certain states (read: the South) such tests have historically been harder for certain (read: brown) people than others when they have been used in the past. Although I agree with the sentiment, in practice it does more harm than good.

@Glidedon: you missed the point of that reference completely. It was about the greater impact of each individual vote in small, local elections, not about bashing Palin. Also, in what world is "employing rules" a bad thing for a candidate to do?

@Tachyon0118: and by issues I mean which candidate sends the cutest canvasser to their door.

@stainlessrat: The unfortunate truth is that "weak minded," lazy people who don't take time to be informed get to vote too, and their vote counts just as much as yours does. That's why it's important to do these things, because there, sadly, really are thousands of people whose votes are decided almost entirely based

The price difference is fairly minimal. And there is no guarantee that the drive you get will be the one you need, because it has been my experience that external drive manufacturers are not very good about giving data on the internal workings of their products. Also, if you don't get the right thing, or if there is

@prospero: If you read the whole thing, he does actually end up with a drive installed inside the laptop by disassembling the external drive.

@johnsmith1234: because windows has a different(read: more inclusive) idea of what tasks ought to require administrator permissions than linux does. Also, UAC still pops up when you are logged in as an administrator...so while linux asks if you want to temporarily change to administrator instead of a limited user,

@Buddha916: I think the point is that many users find it more convenient to control on who sits at the keyboard than to have their operating system literally babysit/raise their children for them.

@therethinker: airodump-ng, of the aircrack-ng package, is somewhat helpful. it runs in the terminal but someone could easily give it a nice gui like this if they were so inclined.

@Zepth: I think he meant security in a physical, "nobody is gonna use my machine but me" sense.

@cayton: Alright, I have to say it. Never do calculus drunk. Friends don't let friends drink and derive.

@cheesebubble: If a landlord gets away with neglecting their rental property to that degree, it is because their tenants are not enforcing the landlord-tenant laws in their state aggressively enough. Having personally known more than one landlord, I can say that not maintaining is a serious liability for most

@FrancesTheMute: Every post about an embedded desktop app or a way to make the desktop look better has at least one person saying "I never look at my desktop, this doesn't help me." This is not a comment about how effectively the app does its job, but rather about how you use your computer. I don't know about the

@alexander:Yeah, I feel like they forgot the most important part of preparedness: be ready to write a check on the spot. Having money right away is a great motivator for a landlord.

The thing to keep in mind about the "fat cats" is that huge chunks of their companies are now owned by the federal government. So, assuming that the companies do make it through and eventually buy back those chunks, the government will get it's money back and possibly even see a profit. Of course, if they don't, the

@asl4u: While I'm sure it would be nice if media just fell from the sky, but the truth is this stuff has to get paid for somehow. At least take comfort in the fact that by watching on Hulu you get to drastically cut down on the ads you watch compared to broadcast television.

@geoelectric: I believe that all 7-11s are on Co-Op network. Even Better!

I second twodumbdogs; my phone, like most modern cellphones, already has an option to include as many people as I want as recipients of an sms message.

@krom The fact that some third party not in any way associated with anything linux has failed to port an application is not a "gap" in linux. The reason people use wine is that they prefer linux as an operating system (read: an operating system is an entirely separate thing from the programs that run on it!) but need