
Does anyone else see irony in this when compared to the Microsoft Anti-Trust suits that a certain Mr. Jobs argued so strongly for?

The FCC has an online complaint submission system of their own for Do Not Call violations, spam emails, even spam text messages. I don't know if they actually do anything, but maybe that would be a good place start, in that they at least potentially have the power to take action against telemarketers.

What are "electronic Rays"? How are they stopped by a water bottle? Oh yeah, that part is stupid, just like the rest of it.

There is a lot of questionable science in this article. For example, the study of the feet of european vs. zulu feet, which concluded that shoes were the problem, ignoring things like the amount that the two groups walk rather than driving or riding a bus, or the tendency of one group to walk on cement while the

The brittish have been doing this for years. They call it "Boxing Day"(when you box all your old things and give them to the needy.)and they have it the day after christmas. This is convenient in that it has you moving out your old stuff at the exact same time that you get some new stuff.

From someone who has used this a lot, i'd be interested to know how it compares to pandora (similar, but for music) as far as matching the right things.

LessIsMore I'm not sure you get it.

Consider checking your facts on the rainforest bit. A big part of why those trees are cut is to create farmland. This is why it is common to hear of rainforests being burned rather than logged. I'm sure many paper products are produced from those trees, but only because it turns out to be more economic than

Mightn't it be more effective to switch other, less precise tasks to the left hand (i.e. answering the phone, holding things you're reading/occasionally glancing at)? I suppose it depends on how much of your non-keyboard tasks involve writing...


@kurt (as well as several others)

This is a DIY waiting to happen. Really it's just a box with a hinge, and then a keyboard stuck to the top. I'll bet you could convert an old keyboard for a lot less than $50.


@ace you misunderstood me. I don't expect lifehacker editors to be experts (though I do still hold that expectation for someone at PM who writes a "guide" to setting up a home server). The point is that the article that is recommended here does not, in fact, tell you how to do what it claims. It is not a good

hmm...it seems like the commenters have contributed more actual information about this topic than the paid authors at either LH or Popular Mechanics. Interesting.

I think the chicago screw is a better idea, as the rivet prevents you from ever adding or removing keys from your keychain.