
Actually, what I would like to see either in a voxel or polygon engine is something more like what I got into when using MoRay and POVray to make raytraced scenes: Rather than defining objects as point to point structures, and covering them in bitmapped textures, they should be generated from simple formulas - both

I agree with this article so much. There's always a place for multiplayer, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying it, but I pretty much stopped playing after it hit a certain acceptance level. In the early days of online gaming, I loved MP. I played Diablo exclusively online and met all sorts of cool, friendly

I heard about it - the one with the iron pyrite solar panels... Even if it doesn't come out as such, I hope it gave them some good research data. I'm also looking forward to more development in supercapacitors as a power carrier - supposedly VASTLY faster charge rates than traditional batteries, and many more

I agree that ToS/EULA abuse is gradually removing players' freedoms, and at first I was upset to hear that you needed to connect online to play offline since I find that unacceptable in most games. I remember playing Diablo 1 though, and I fully understand the need to take every possible measure to lock down and

I think at the present, and until there are service stations that can swap batteries for charged, guaranteed good ones, electric cars will be second or third household vehicles - but probably great for that. Commuting, buying groceries, etc in the majority of cities.

Private servers for Ragnarok are all illegal, so regardless of what mods you're technically capable of applying to it, it doesn't help your case that you should be allowed to do it. Hacking a pirated version means nothing, other than that you're willing to pirate games.

Nissan's claims aren't there - that site demands subscription cash, so this article is one-sided.

Sorry, but if that's NSFW, I'd recommend not reading any Gawker sites at work, or finding a way to turn off all images and embedded movies.

That's why you run a server where it's permitted - to at least mitigate the effect. Why play on a server where you'll get banned for buying items when that's what you're going to do, and why sell items when you could lose your account for it, if you could just go to the RMT server and sell to your heart's content?

Now playing

Morning Musume's tracks were also featured in the beatmania series on Gameboy Color, so it's not the first time Tsunku's work was featured in a video game.

I see enough otaku flipping out at Aya Hirano just because she seems to get around, but rarely anything about Nakagawa... I'm guessing it's because her crazy guro fixation means no one even thinks someone else might think they're into her.

Yeah, they're really playing up the sexy imagery in promo art, and it's in the game too, a bit. Where I'm at in the game though, it's largely about (no real spoilers if you've seen the trailers) Vincent having a moment of weakness and cheating on his longtime girlfriend, then freaking out over what to do from there.

So then you've never even used Diablo mods, yet not being able to mod the third game is some horrible offense to you? I'm sorry, I can't take that seriously. It's not the kind of game that gets modded. Can you mod Ragnarok Online? Can you mod Untold Legends? Can you mod Dungeon Siege? Then why hold Diablo 3 to that

I was much more brazen about hacking (and homemade fireworks, hehe) when I was a minor. When I turned 18, I pretty much entirely quit anything that wasn't on my own network.

Wouldn't do that much good anyway if the forensics guys were any good. They'd see there was a discrepancy in his partitions/used space, and "compel" him to surrender the key.

Cybercrime, sure. Hacking? I suppose I can see it since people getting themselves infected with botnet servers does grant the controller the ability to manipulate their computers. It's hacking in the same way logging into a system with Back Orifice is hacking, just on a larger scale.

Care to back that with something? They use racy art to sell it, but most of the women are intelligent equals at least - actually, Vincent is kind of childish and irresponsible, while Katherine is mature and responsible enough for both of them. On top of that, it showed Vincent cheating and suffering for it - not his

I'm really glad to see mature treatment of adult subjects in a game, period. Also, the style is great, and the 3D models are the closest I've seen to hand-drawn images - the way things like lighting and overall atmosphere seem to have more of an artist's touch rather than the strict simulation you get with most 3D

I can't even tell if you're serious there... I could also start up Oblivion and delete my savegame every time I get killed, or better yet, format my whole hard drive just to add punishment... but there's no sane reason I'd want to do that. Hardcore mode isn't even the same kind of game - it becomes a Roguelike, which

You are right - if they had a system to support certain mods, it wouldn't be an issue. If it wasn't for the ability to buy and sell items, I'd say it sounds like they're trying to make a fair, standard way of playing the game - since offline characters can now go online, an offline mod could give a player an advantage