
@dethovu: There's a time-release invisible wall at 6:10 here. HL2 (or Bioshock) scripts are what I mean by cutscene rooms - rooms where you can't move freely, but can hop around and pretend you're playing while it shows you something. I'd take a video, or nothing, or text, or a GTA4 style phone call that mostly leaves

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Evelyn Beatrice Hall

@dethovu: I suspect that's a good thing, though it's hard to tell. Invisible walls and cutscene rooms just kill games for me.

@Evan Waugh: Haha, I'm not - I'm just imagining the article for the next major outage. :)

On one hand, GTA4 was my favourite GTA by a good margin. It was less cartoony, but the mechanics worked, and I actually had fun in the missions (though VC missions were awesome until they got impossible!) I had no problem with them making it more serious and realism...ish.

Got Child of Eden, so... Catherine for PS3. Nothing else on the list.

@Shagittarius: That is fascinating to know. I found the game itself terrible, so I didn't spend a huge amount of time in it. After the first game, I figured killing people was just a given.

@Mythos: I think that is a problem with a lot of things we can work on as projects. I know that when I set about subtitling something, I'd better love it when I start, because by the time I've heard every line at least a dozen times and split hairs on specific meanings and interpretations, the magic will be gone.

That's a good point. I thought was really cool that Portal had developer's commentary, and I went back and played through again to hear some of it.

@relic1980: I think the author either had a very narrow and limited experience, or was just trying to make the case that otaku are bad - not to show how they've been unfairly wronged.

@Diode: Heh, of course there's no objective good or bad - you like what you like. It was pretty bad in my experience though, and what I was really getting at is that it sounds like it's gone downhill a fair bit since I left. Still, I'm sure people will play it until the day the servers go offline.

@Diode: Ragnarok, WoW, Ryzom Beta (the worst), Lineage 2, LotRO, PWI, Eve.

I have not played DNF, so disregard this accordingly... but while DN3D was never Masterpiece Theatre, what I've seen of DNF reminds me more of Postal 2 than DN3D.

@Erwin: Wow. There's literally no predicting it is there? FWIW, you were one of the few who still deserved your star.

@tfcRocky: Actually, I said right out that I know family that has done it, and that I may even see them die from it. The feeling of loss doesn't make it any less of an asshole move, and doesn't mean they don't deserve to lose respect for it. They're endangering innocent people's lives, so while emotionally I don't

@JMWallace: shh... Things have to be worded to make Sony look as bad as possible on here. This is the same editor who posted a site that tells us "PSN hasn't been hacked again... yet" just to remind us that there was a problem before.

@PegasusOrgans: Damn! I guess a system that fails 10-30% as often is second rate! So the Ford Pinto was the best car ever made... shows what I know!

@GregtheMad: I'd pay to watch Anonymous vs King Kazma. :)