
@tfcRocky: I may lose a loved one to this some day, but when they decide to play dice with their lives and others, they get what is coming to them. It's an asshole move, and they don't deserve my respect.

@Tweeg: Heh, we do, they've just changed the terminology. Now they're "thin clients." I actually just left an IT job at a place that's gearing up with thin clients, but they can't get them to configure as they like or be nearly as flexible as desktop workstations, so the place is kind of melting down now...

@Oh Indeed: Depends how close to home the script kiddie part hits, I suppose... I kind of meant it sarcastically for the fear they're apparently inspiring in some.

Now playing

@Pojodin: I played this at a friend's place once years ago... and the song wouldn't leave my head!

Now playing

@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: I loaded up my car with some Soil & "PIMP" Sessions lately. It's awesome music for just cruising around in the summer. I keep thinking if Namco ever did a spinoff from R4, they'd be crazy not to contact these guys for the soundtrack.

@Brian Crecente: I'm another blocked Canadian. Thanks for working on it, and for the calm responses to these angry complaints (but hey, if people are that worked up, they really want to see it! Good acquisition!)

@Rictor: Yeah... I've worked with many seniors who are intelligent people who just didn't get computers, but once they decided to learn, picked it up quickly. You can get behind on something if you're not enthusiastically up on everything.

@x219c: There's no reason picking on one of us would make them look impressive; just petty, which would hurt their image (and they are obviously egomaniacs, even if anonymous. They're reveling in their fame, and basically openly inviting LEOs to come get them if they can.)

@ithy-phallus: Yet you show that you lack that basic civility, even if not proving Sony does.

@Barden: No, even selfishly, keeping quiet about this is just smart. Anything they criticized Sony with could either get them nailed with a libel suit for claiming things they don't know, or could be applied to themselves just as badly, and make people hesitant to use their own service.

@Rictor: A fancy new name for client-server computing, that's all. It just makes it much vaguer, so it could really be any model as long as data or a service is off-site (or on-site, offloaded to a company server...)

@Afrokid53: He's a comedian and generally likeable guy. It's actually fun watching his reactions and his resolve and cheering him on. Also it's not just sitting watching him - in past seasons they've done things like teach you the history of the game, or consult with experts for sections he can't clear, etc.

@coolstorybro1988: It's certain. I've enjoyed my PSP more than my other handhelds OR home consoles this last generation - which isn't to speak badly of them either - but counting imports I've picked up, there have been so many PSP games like the quirky, risky, small titles I used to love on PSX and PS2. I do really

@Kovitlac: That is weird. If the hard drives weren't connected, you should have still seen it try to boot, then say something about no bootable media.

@coolstorybro1988: Good. Their undersupported peripherals are totally dead to me, but I did pick up a 3DS and now I'm really torn whether or not to sell it. The battery life is momentary, the top and bottom screens don't line up, so the bottom screen leaves an imprint on the top - many have claimed its edges even

I still think pyrotechnic lemons are a lot funnier than just repeating the first game's ending theme 100,000 times. At least these require some creativity.

You like what you like. I can see catching some hostility if you came out and said "____ was crap," but if someone holds you at fault for liking/disliking/feeling something, they're just insecure idiots. You don't need to validate someone's opinion of a game by having the same one - least of all for a big hit.

@visualdeity: I agree! Quotas are another form of harmful discrimination. In occupations and entertainment alike, I believe a woman should be able to take the same path as a man if she likes, and be judged by the same merits. The sexes are different though, and it's foolish to deny it. Who says certain jobs or genres

I'll often play as a female character if possible - for various reasons depending on the type of game.

@YoungZer0: Considering the net effect of that comment, you're one to talk, lol