
I saw Kode80 and found they also made the awesome Holotoy app (don't expect more than a tech demo, but it does explore 3D techniques a lot!)

@-MasterDex-: Nope. Generally the places that do it will tell you how long they've done it, how much it costs, how much they put in, what concentration they aim for, and on and on.

@Erwin: Exactly. You do your star an honour, sir.

@-MasterDex-: Actually, the fluoride compounds commonly used in water are different from those in dentistry and haven't been shown to reduce decay rates. (Sodium fluoride and stannous (tin) fluoride ionize to fluoride ions, which can strengthen enamel, but hexafluorosilicic acid ionizes to fluorosilicate ions, which

@M4gast0n: Indeed. Tech demo games suck, but there have been some - Ouendan/EBA, TWEWY, Infinity Blade, Fruit Ninja, Cut the Rope, that are hard to imagine on another control scheme, and really shine on their respective platforms. I'm also a fan of bullet hell shooters, and it's amazing how well they work with a

@napilopez: Haha... That reminds me of what happened with VGA. I was born about when IBM PCs hit the market, so I saw CGA, and heard of other formats like MCGA, Hercules, Trident, etc... then EGA was a great improvement over CGA. VGA was amazing... then SVGA.

@hincapie12: Yeah... of course quicker boot and load times would be great, but a barrier? Miyamoto has been going farther and farther from what I can relate to for a while now. I know it takes a few SECONDS to boot a console. That's fine, but maybe that's because I'm a gamer? If I turn my TV on, it takes about 5-10

@blank_mind: I'm with you on this. Sony's had my back for over 15 years now, but now I'm on the lookout for someone to provide good solid traditional gaming so I don't have to slog through a thousand permutations of exploring new inputs and peripherals that I'd rather not use.

@M4gast0n: Actually, the DS is why I'm worried about the Vita. There were a few games that used it well, that were designed for it from the ground up. There were also warehouses full of games that tried to force touch input, or even worse, microphone use, when the available buttons would have done a fine job, while

2009? No way... I figured they'd start R&D for it in 2005. I thought if you're not researching your next product already, you're asleep at the switch.


Between that, and a recent rant a friend who still plays sent me about how CCP wants to charge app developers for Eve, I am truly never going back to that game for any reason. It's the 2nd worst MMO I've ever tried.

Bull shit.

@pan_22: Me too. As similarly as they play, I couldn't get into Angry Birds, but later I discovered CtC and beat 1, 2, the fanmade levels, and the iOS game with all gold medals. It may not have had a power or angle gauge either, but I did have far greater luck knocking down things that I actually hit.

@Chrysolite: It would be great if they could manage that, especially pristine little villages like Shirakawa where they're particularly concerned with the environment. I just wanted to be sure you weren't talking about switching the whole country over, as I can't see that being viable yet.

@DarthXehanort: I was going to say something similar. Even at launch time, I missed this "no games" problem some people claimed to have. Owing largely to the imports I got for it, the PSP was also my favourite this generation.

@Steven Ansell: I've lost hope when Miyamoto talked about inverted controls being the right way, and ambiguously hinting that the non-inverted controls will be tilt on the 3DS. For me, the only Starfox was Starfox, because the N64 game forced inverted controls, and since I play in third person... I either scraped the

@groolthedemon: Habitually? No. Have I done it on purpose? Absolutely!

Lots of people are saying they'd get it on another platform. I've just been waiting for a demo. Good reviews are nice, but all I've seen makes it look like a cryptic point and click adventure, and I played enough of those as a kid... I guess I haven't seen the "secret sauce" that makes it more than that in any of the