I've taken a little break from MC and missed a couple updates. I wonder when it's going to hit the point where you just can't get back into it if you're not already there... Luckily at least the Minecraft I know has a very low barrier for entry!
I've taken a little break from MC and missed a couple updates. I wonder when it's going to hit the point where you just can't get back into it if you're not already there... Luckily at least the Minecraft I know has a very low barrier for entry!
@Tweets2Idiots: I'm sure you've heard a lot of descriptions, so I'll keep it short and say freeform survival creation sandbox. All you have to do is survive monsters, and take shelter at night - like dig yourself a hole. I prefer to get fancy and cut out a little cave, make some glass, and put some windows in. Beyond…
@Zolarie: Actually, the article came out when Child of Eden launched, and features a screenshot of it. It also goes into other on-rails games like Starfox, Rez, and Panzer Dragoon. So whatever you meant, when you post in an article like this against "on-rail games," that's how it's going to be taken. These games are…
@bbilbo1: Sounds crazy, sure, but too often I've seen things go that way already. I don't think they're a government project or anything (most govs have been too clumsy to cover something like that by far. Then again, "when you are strong, appear weak.")
So obviously they aren't in it for the lulz - they just hate fun and will continue to damage anything that people enjoy until someone hits them like Bin Laden. Really... fuck you guys.
@Zolarie: Please. Beat Rez with your eyes closed and tell me how long it took you. It doesn't end on stage 4 either BTW.
There are some asinine comments here about on-rails games. It's not a technical limitation of old games - about a decade before Starfox, I played full 3D jet fighting flight sims. They were vastly more frustrating, boring, and less fun than Starfox in a way that makes it seem wrong to even compare them. It's not an…
Awesome, you remembered DK-96! I looked a while ago, and it seemed almost all record of her had faded off the net by now. Interesting project, and of course, the first of many eventually.
You know what Walt used to say...
@Bouzi: Go Habs Go!: I've always liked that song. That was a good era for Aphex Twin. No countdowns really, apart from the upcoming father's day.
@MarcusMaximus: Exactly. NES controllers have input lag. The button press is polled for, registered, encoded, transmitted to the console, loaded into a buffer, pulled out of the buffer, inspected, passed to the program, and acted on by it after whatever other processes it chooses to do.
@sojiro: Quick as always, Seta-san!
@cartdfn: One tech demo doesn't equal a system's game lineup. But don't let me get in the way of your DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
@Sparkie: That's why I've been comparing launch titles like Ridge Racer. The PSP was new when it came out, and it looks comparable or a little better than the 3DS version, which like all new Ridge Racers (except that rebranded Burnout game...) even features the same tracks.
Very nice. Portal has to be one of the easier-sourced cosplay subjects, but I still haven't seen any that good.
@MilsurpShooter: EXACTLY. That's how I've always looked at driving when I was old enough to start. I actually started with a motorcycle for 2 years because sure, a crash might maim me, but if I'm responsible for something, I'd be carrying a lot less energy into the other party.
@laughplaylive: My PSP slaughtered my DS, though it would have been different if it were region locked. With imports, it was my favourite system this era.
@Joe_Kickass: Sony already did it and then some - it's just a standalone system that can also be a controller. We'll see about MS.
@Coigleach: Me too, but we'll never be heard over career Nintendo fans. Just as well - you don't have to love everything. I was just saying the other day though that if they had shown fresh stuff like I see on PSN and XBLA, I might be interested in the system, but as it is, I find it hard to stomach new entries in the…
@Kommisar: It may be pretty tough - no reason for it to be fragile.