
I think for people to "get" reviews, we'd need a new word for them at this point, as dumb as that sounds. So many seem to expect them to be some objective judgment from on high, and if you disagree, either you're wrong, or there's something horribly wrong with reviews.

I hate to admit it, but Nintendo had the right idea, I guess... Never try to game online.

@watts.josh: But not all sequels feel unoriginal. For instance, Mario 64 was a Mario game, but clearly not just a rehash. An homage, if that.

@Cobaltios: I can just see Pokemon in Kirby... Kirby pulls the ball out, releases a Pokemon, then instantly eats it and uses the powers himself!

@ethic: Actually, yeah. I think that's a pretty cool idea. I'd like to see someone do something like that.

@Hedgeson: I think you're still misunderstanding what I'm getting at. I'm saying the only thing I think a magnetometer is used for is to provide a fixed reference to counteract the drift from the gyros. The magnetometers work on extremely weak forces though, and can easily be fooled by interference, so if there's any

@FrankieViturello: I'm sure for that. They shoulder some of the blame, sure, but it's very hard to get a detailed enough picture to say they're doing a poor job.

@genis1: That's good to know. I'm also betting you can't buy things with voice alone, but voice recognition software is good fodder for a joke.

@FrankieViturello: Just as soon as we figure out which of the millions of hackers it was.

@sojiro: Well said. It's a common fallacy that if a system was broken into, it was poorly secured. That doesn't show it was poorly secured - it shows that it wasn't absolutely perfect. The rest is assumptions and guesswork.

@MrTheMoopie: Thanks for posting that. Looking at the replies it seems that some people are only reading your comment and not all the ones coming out against all hackers.

"XBox - Watch 'OK Go: On Tour'"

@Hedgeson: What you say is true, but there's no reason for a game to directly use the magnetometer - it can be used generally to provide a fixed reference point to counteract gyro drift, which probably happens regardless of the title you're playing.

@SoulDeLa: Cannot say for sure... but if you have a USB hard drive, you can plug it into your PS3 and do a backup just in case.

Now playing

@Pojodin: Hey, I've been missing this thread for a while now, but I spotted this one before the day is ALL over! Good to see you're still posting them!

@Mythos: Apparently not. Got a link? All I've seen is that you'll be able to play Wii U games on the screen while it's tethered to the base console.

@tsukijin: When I last tried it on an iPhone, it did the same thing. That's when I stopped checking the site on the go. I think it's just the site's code, sadly.

@Mythos: Actually, that's kind of funny because once you loaded it up, you could take a VMU or PocketStation with you and just play on it, but as far as has been announced, the Wii U is the only system in the chain that can't let the small-screen device function as an independent portable system.